I have line 2, xxx-7272 ringing in on line 3,xxx-7274. And line 3, xxx-7274 rings on line 3. I have tested the caller id on line 2 and it shows xxx-7272. What would cause the inbound call for line 2 to ring on line 3? Could this be a Telco hunt group issue?
I have a 87xx with g650 running cm 5.x. I have programmed the music on hold in analog group(1) to an analog port(02a1204). I have also programmed the group in system parameter features. I have also check the cor to allow music on hold. However, I don't get music on the any extension. I get...
I have been trying to block call from a specific number sucessfully. However, any other call won't go to vm the ring no answer. In the station form I have no cover path assigned. If one is assigned it will go to vm on block and unblocked call. Any ideas on what I am missing?
Number: 1...
In the log in Mv_Iptel is show it getting the files. It doesn't seem to be able to acess the .bin files. I have taken the HTTPS server out of the loop. It still attempts to access this server. However, when it access the HTTP server is give bad file server address. Any ideas?
I am trying to upgrade the firmware on the 96xx phones to 2.0. I am using Mv_IP tel. I am static IP addressing the phone. This is the error that I am getting:
2009-02-23T14:23:57---HTTPS Auth Missing
I haven't found anything that show me what this means or how to correct the issue. Any ideas...
Thanks for all you help. I set up a test run with a magix in our office and was able to ring through each time to two extension. I requested that the customer turn off and then turn on the log-in for ext.118. That solved the problem. So, simple yet so hard....
I added ext 118 to call group 771. No other changes were made to call group 771. There are other ext in this call group that work fine. As far as a linear or auto logout I will have to check.
I removed two ext 102 and 118 from calling group 772. I added ext 118 to calling group 771. I also deleted vm boxes from both extensions. When customers call into AA and option 6(call group 771) ext 118 doesn't ring. I am also unable to dial either extension directly from AA. I am able to...
I had a customer with a similar issue. We assined the cabinet under the change cabinet command. Next we went in and chaged circuit pack to remove the power supply. Finally, go back to the change cabinet and put not-used in the cabinet spot.
I tried all x38,x39,x78,79,x43 and x44 same status. The process is R7 (5x9). I moved the card to swapped the 012e card and the vm card. Then, progammed x27 and x28 to group 7 and voicemail answered. I haven't been back to site to check the 012E card for ports.
Is it possible to have the following config:
308EC 012E ACS PartnerMess(2port). 400E
If so what would the voicemail ports be? I have tried ext 38 and ext 39,ext78 and ext79. With the voicemail installed in slot 4 you would get a busy.
I have a customer that has a ACS R7.0. The system changes the year to 2006 about every two to three weeks. I have had the customer verify that it isn't losing power and it is not. Is there a fix for this?
I have direct connect to the Partner ACS R7.0. However, when I try to send or retrieve information: I get the box showing progress and then crashes at 2%. I have changed baud rate on my com port, flow control,8-n-1 and 7-e-1. I have found a connection that works being: 38400 baud, 8-n-1...
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