Here's something from the manual that I found? Does it mean that it will only emulate a M2616 and will that work with the BCM?
"SoundStation2 Direct Connect is compatible with any digital voice port on NORTEL Meridian, Meridian 1 (option 11 to 81), SL-1, or SL-100 PBX with the exception of...
I am looking for a conferencing phone with extended microphones for a BCM 1000 v3.7.
Does anyone know if the Polycom SoundStation2 Direct Connect Nortel (2200-17120-001) will work with a BCM 1000?
It says that it's Nortel Meridian compatible and a lot of the Meridian phones and products work...
Let me state what I think you're saying.
Configure a full set of restrictions under Telephony Services|System DN's|Active Set DN's for the particular phone set and then configure a COS password that will open it up to normal?
We have several phone sets out on the shop floor for the managers and want to restrict thier use.
Is there a way to apply a passcode to lock the phone set that has to be entered before it can be used?
I checked through the socumentation and through the Manager but couldn't see where to change it.
Please, after you've had some sleep, could you let me know where to change it.
Does anyone know how to increase the alloted time allowed between key presses to dial numbers?
For example, dial 9-1-954-42 <look to see what next numbers are - oops, took too long - timed out).
It appears to about 3 seconds and I'd like to increase it.
Thank You for your reply.
This system is being expired and so the maintnenance has expired. I don't have access to the Customer Portal. That's why I was asking here.
I found the resolution for this problem in the newsgroups. I tried it and it worked for me. I used Solution #1.
Here is the resolution:
The color schemes in the computer's default profile may have been set to black for every scheme element. Please review the below steps for this may resolve...
I have two servers with the exact same problem that occurred under the exact same situation (running out of disk space). I have found nothing on Microsoft's website to acknowledge the problem.
Could you please outline the exact steps neccesary to fix this problem?
I have the same problem on two servers. This happened after the hard drive ran out of disk space.
One is an Exchange server.
So, did you try the reload and id it work out OK?
I've contacted Nortel Networks and they have fixed the problem with a new client release but I don't see it on thier web site yet. I've fixed it by applying the following solution but it involves some fairly technical alterations so you may want to wait for the client if it's being done by the...
Actually, since I replied to your post I discovered the solution. I have sent the solution with supporting information to a few poeple I know at Nortel and they have confirmed that they can reproduce the problem and the solution. They're running further tests on it and will let me...
This is a known problem with the Nortel Contivity client however Nortel has never admitted this until April 22, 2004. It's interesting to note that there is a Contivity VPN Client Release Notes [Version 4.91] PDF on their support site but no sign of a 4.91 client. In any case, there's a note...
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