Hi All,
Could you please any one tell me the differces between Drill down report and Sub Repot in Crystal reports.
According to my understanding.
Drill Down:
We can convert a report based on grouping as a drill down report by hiding the details( If you have sub groups with in a group hide...
Try the following:
Group the data by Transaction_type
and then change your above formuala in record selection
if {CURRENT_JCT_TRANSACTION.Transaction_Type} = "Percent complete"
Hope this helps!
Go to Report>section expert>detalis
clink on X2 besides new page after and enter the following formula
({Table.name}="**") and ({Table.dept})="***" and ({Table.email})="****"
Then once this condition occurs to be true, the details after these dots will print on next...
Hi Krats,
Place Whileprintingrecords; in your date calculation formula and select this formula from available fields, and you can see your parameter under "subreports parameter field to use" at the bottom, provided your formula return type and parameter type is same.
Hope this helps!
Try the following:
Create a formual @DateValue
StringVar No_Date_To_Txt_Date := totext(20070131, "0");
Hope this helps!
Thank you
Try the following:
1: Group the data by Reference Number
2: Create a formula Cummulative_Text to concatenate text,
StingVar temp= temp + {Table.text};
3: Place this formula in details section
4: Create a formula ResetTemp, to reset the string temp, on...
Suppose if you are saying {?sorenumber}={table.A} in your record selection formula to filter the records based on your parameter value( Basically to which field of table you are trying to match the parameter values)
Create a coommand prompt as
Select distinct A from table
Ignore the warning...
In The Main report Go to Edit >SubReport Links
Select the sub report you want to link the parameters.
From the "available fields" from the left panel select the parameter and add it to "Fields to Link to" on the Right Panel.
At the bottom from the "Subreport Parameters to use",
HI Kjv,
I am not sure what exactly you are trying to do, but you want the notes and dates from the above tables based on account id, i guess the following query would do,
Select abc.AccountId, abc.Note, Abc.Notedate,
xyz.note, xyz.netedate
from abc
Inner join xyz on...
Hi Neil,
I guess you really can't add subtitle to the chart like changing the content of the subtitle under
Chart Expert > Text. It is just the text,so if you put {?ward}, it will consider that as text to display not as a parameter.
As buck149 suggested, you just have to insert the...
Try the following:
select count(commentId), UserId, GameID
From Comments
Group by UserID, GameID
Having Count(CommentId)>1
Hope this helps!
Thank you
Create a formula DisplayParameter as follows.
Join({?Parameter}, ", ")
and now place this formula in Report Header or wherever you want to display the parameter list.
Hope this helps.
Thank you
I guess you need to say not sure though.
I think it is considering 0 in else as number and giving this error.
when qa.Wo_nbr is not null and ord.part is not null then 'W'+ qa.wo_nbr else '0' end as a
hope this helps
thank you
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