What is datatype of DataWindow parameter (what is declared datatype)? Is that the same as as_parameter_value variable?
If not, try to convert variable value to proper type.
For test, try to assign proper value to as_parameter_value variable and retrieve data.
Maybe try to a little redesign your app.
For example, you can build a kind of progress bar window taking control on your process. I don't know what your app is designed to do and what does it mean "large quantities of data".
You can use Yield() function to interrupt processing data.
It can...
Try to get dddw into DataWindowChild variable and then filter data in it:
1. First take dddw into DataWindowChild
DataWindowChild ldwc_filter
dw_1.GetChild("your_dddw_column", ldwc_filter)
2. Next, try to filter that (after changing radiobutton )
ldwc_filter.SetFilter("condition for...
1. What is your sqlca params definition script before "connect" command?
2. Look into PB help on "Try...Catch" syntax. Maybe it helps you to catch an error.
First of all you should check SQLCode after connect to database.
If messagebox still appears try to use SystemError event and try to catch the error there.
> Is there a way to use the same sql like an ancestor and Ihenrit it to use with differents datawindows so the share will never fail?
IF You want to share SQL between different Datawindows try to use QUERY.
Query is "SQL syntax part of DW". Try to prepare your sql select, then save it as query...
What is the source of text object value?
If it's hard coded in DW, you can combine it with database column using computed field, like thekl0wn said.
If you get it from database or as a retrieval argument, you can combine it with database column using computed field too, like thekl0wn said...
Look for "Execute immediate" function. You can use it in scripts.
If you need it in DataWindow, you can prepare proper string in stored procedure and build DataWindow based on that procedure.
Everything is clear for me now.
First of all I suggest to use radiobutton instead of checkboxes. User can check either name or number.
There are a lot of possibilities to do that.
In your case you should:
1. Choosing data by number
datawindow.DataObject = "d_no"
where d_no is name of...
Type of arguments defined in DataObject must be the same as type of variables passed to Retrieve() function.
Look at the example I send you in previous message. In DataObject there are 4 arguments:
1st is number,
2nd is number,
3rd is number
and 4th is string.
So values passed to...
There is no native solution in PB, I'm afraid.
If I were you I will look for in Microsoft msdn and next try to implement in PB.
Try to find any API functions for that.
I'll try to find smth in free time.
The problem is that you should put proper values as arguments of Retrieve() method.
It works like this:
1. If you don't define retrieval arguments in DataSource of your DW, you simply call dw_1.Retrieve().
2. If you define retr. arguments you should pass values for retrieve or there dialogbox...
I don't know if I understand your question.
First of all is a SELECT statement for DataWindow. There is no matter how many tables you want to use. Prepare Select statement and paste it into DW.
Could you explain what does it mean:
"The 3 checkbox with SLE indicated criteria on how i want to...
I use PB 10.5 but I think that my code should work for you.
To get Windows user name you should:
1. declare external function:
Function boolean GetUserName( ref string buffer, ref ulong buflen ) Library "advapi32.dll" Alias For "GetUserNameW"
2. Read user name:
ULong lul_buflen=255...
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