It's a mirror problem. Make sure the mirror is setup to actually mirror traffic both ways. The network guy should know how to fix it. It's not a NICE problem.
Well, it's quite straightforward, just make sure you have a database and an audio backup before hand:
1. Run the logger setup and upload the new configuration file.
2. Reboot the logger
3. Make sure the new channels are shown in the sysadmin
4. You may need to unmapped all the channels and map...
Look into the NICE folder. I an't really remember where exactly but there's an application called IPTool. There you can edit the IP devices according to you licensed channels.
Well, I don't think you can do selective recording without an AES server. You can certainly do total recording on digital, analog or IP phones without a CTI server, all you need to do is to har map the extensions on NICE and you're done.
Let me know if you need some more detail.
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