Thank you Burtsbees for a quick reply, I could undrestand using the router as DHCP, currently my default gateway is the PIX firewal with
a) do I need to change any thing on the pix too?
b)don't get this command you mentioned:
ip nat inside source list 101 int s0/0 over (assuming s0/0...
I was wondering if anyone can help me out here, I have got a single subnet LAN represeted by 192.168.1.x ip range which I am running out of IP addresses beaces I have used them all . I have purchased a cisco 1941 router to be able to divide the LAN to two subnet ( 192.168.1.x and...
In My case the problem was down to my PIX firewall, the problem started to appear immidiatley after I upgraded my Cisco PIX with latest IOS 7.2.
Apparantly the packets were dropping by the PIX but as soon as I have added the IP address of the HSBC bank using the command mentioned in the work...
Okay here is the config file:
PIX Version 7.0(5)
hostname pix515
domain-name test.test
enable password ********** encrypted
no names
name 192.1x8.1.10 LUKPC40
name 217.x.x.x LUKPCx3
name 217.x.x.x Exmail
name 192.1x8.1.2x LUKPC95
name 192.1x8.10.14 BCM
name x.x.x.1x3 Extera
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to allow an Apache server with IP address of located on DMZ to talk to a Domain Controller with IP Address of located inside PIX515e using port 389 please?
Many Thanks
Thank you for the answering to my query, I am getting the following error message for two lines of the code you sent me and they are:
lukfw1(config)# access-group in interface dmz
ERROR: % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
I was wondering if any one would be able to tell me the easiest way of allowing an Apache web server with IP address of located on DMZ to send SMTP messages (port 25) to the Exchange server with IP address of located on the inside .
Many Thanks
yes I am the system admin guy!! nothing has been blocked by our pix firewall, why? because there are few PCs on the same network which can access the website without any problem.
I was wondering if any one have an answer to our very odd and strange problem that we have been encountering loading website
Within our LAN some of the machines ( mixture of laptop and desktop)all runing windows XP with SP2 and IE7, with lates windows updates being applied...
I have been trying to configure our test pix501 with a basic configuration of allowing a users to be able to access outside ( Internet) but unfortunatly the configuration fails measurabley.
I have copied the result of show run command bellow and was wondering if any one can either correct the...
I was wondering if any one could help me with the following problem:
I have created a user account lets say (A) with mail (Exchange 2003 with SP2) enabled in DC (windows 2003 server with SP2) and then logged in as the user A and connected to its mail box which I can send and received e-mail...
May I ask a similiar question with similiar senario but this time I would like to give access to an outside IP address of 83.x.x.x to access a server on the our DMZ with the ip address of ?? I know it would be very similiar to the above but I would like to make sure I am applying...
Problem solved!!!!
Just to let every one knows that the outlook connectivity problem was caused by the enabled PROXY ARP in the pix for Inside interface. As soon as I disabled the Proxy ARP for the inside interface the problem had disappeard for good!! so Thank you to me!!
I thought about it and you are absloutley right, that's what I am intending to do, disabeling the DHCP on the PIX and configuring the DHCP one on one our domain controller.
Many Thanks
Thank you for your help but I have been using the DHCP in the PIX firewall to give the clients ip address, etc, etc but what I am not sure is how can I change the default gaeway form( The pix Ip address )to the Proxy IP address for all clients. If you know please let me know.
Many Thanks
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