Hi I had the same issue. Please check you NTP settings, if the VMPRO server and the ACR server time settings are off then the problem will continue
To test set the time to manual and set bot the servers to the correct time. Make sure the IPO has the same time as well. This fixed my issue
Thanks, I thought as much, I read the manual sometime back and it stated that there isn't a migration path. I see Avaya has taken that note out subsequently.... I guess the customer moving to version 9 will have to keep contact store on windows, no ACR
Does anyone know if Avaya has an upgrade path for someone using IP office v8 contact store on windows to V9 Contact recorder on Linux.
Is there a way to do this
Are all opened on the router? Does the router support hair-pinning
5061 TCP TLS
http 80 tcp
Ports 5222, 5269 and 8444 need to be opened on the customer's firewall or router, if the mobility client is to be used on a cellular network or if external XMPP...
You will need the FQDN on the XMPP setting on the onex server. the FQDN on that one X server will need resolve to your internal DNS and External DNS so for e.g
public ip :41.x.x.x = domain.avaya.com
internal IP:172.x.x= domain.avaya.com
xmpp address: = domain.avaya.com
one the mobile app under...
Back up your data on the v8.1 using "Superuser" and use the unbootn software to load the iso file on a flash drive.
Also read the note on the supported flash drive (I had issues with different flash drives)this is quite easy to do.
Hi You dont need to use your VPN client. You need to set up Split DNS and nat your public IP to your internal IP pointing to the one x server FQDn and set up the correct port fowarding rules on the router. Check the manual for the list of ports
Yes I Know but he wants to test internally. I had this issue internally as well. The SIP phones could not register properly.
So even the Video soft phone did not register locally. Once that was fixed then I was able to troubleshoot the VOIP mode issues.
I merely want to see if any sip phone can...
Okay so you entered the correct domain name on your device? you are pointing your phone to the one portal server xmpp address?
Check on system monitor if you can trace why the SIP client is not registering. Try the IP office video softphone. Use the same credentials and login and see if you can...
You need to have to FQDN's one for the IP office and one for the Onex Server.see above.
The IP office FQDN should go on the ip office "system "VOIP tab" under "domain name"
The One X server FQDN should go on the one portal server under the XMPP address.
both of those DNS entries should resolve...
Yes the you mean the "enable mobile VOIP client" on the user tab and also on the One X app? if so yes.
It still doesnt register. Im using split DNS It may be the firewall?? Thanks TLPeter
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