inControl Software may be able to help or guide you in the right direction.
NCR created HR Bridge for a reason so I would think they have people using it. I would really push your reps to get you to the product manager of HR Bridge and see what they have to say. I love Configuration Center but...
The issue I have had with it is that is very limited. You can't limit distribution to specific items within a job code. Most people go non-integrated or third party.
You're right AlohaRoss. It was guest checks I was thinking about.
NCR does custom development but it is usually expensive or for huge chains. I can almost guarantee it would be cheaper to install a second aloha system then have them add a voucher option.
It's not possible. That's a global limit. You can disable voucher printer altogether by terminal or tender. I know of a business that had to have the option of not printing the voucher so they created secondary credit tenders to use when they didn't want a voucher. It created a reporting nightmare.
Editing the DBfs will not change anything in NAM since it reads all of its data from the SQL database. All NAM does is create the DBFs for FOH. I usually just replace the password hash with one I know under the BOHPasswordHash field in the employee table using SSMS.
TekTip$777 =...
You should talk to your dealer about responding and if they don't work with you ask them for a referral to another dealer or direct. Also, there are third-party solutions for takeout ordering and EMV but you will most likely have to get on a current version first.
I think tax groups are handled differently, a lot of store settings, item routing and skins. I usually only run into a few weird issues when I downgrade a database to 6.7 so I can edit DBFs and reimport. There's other store store and EDC settings that will not import in versions 14.1 and 15.1.
I've never had any issues importing. Only thing to be mindful of is if you downgrade database from 12.3 or higher and import DBFs you will lose any programing that was 12.3 specific.
After importing it will give you a list of errors similar to verify on old version. You can either fix errors...
I agree AlohaRoss. I don't know much about Connected Payments. I think they have about 100 sites out now. Not sure how many platforms they support but it is expensive.
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