We have put IP phones on LAN 2 using the IPO as DHCP server many times and very large sites with no issues until now. LAN 1 is on the customer's subnet, LAN 2 is the default 192.168.43.x with 200 DHCP addresses.
I have asked the customer's IT guy to try putting a phone on the production network...
IPO Build 23 with PRI, 2 DS30, 1 DS16, 21 IP phones all in the same physical location at the rest of the system.
IP Phone (J159) users will receive a call but the caller cannot hear the IP Phone user until the call is either Held or Parked first. After that the call can proceed as...
That's typical of Avaya, with systems I've been installing since 7.0 and it seems they are always changing the way the Park button works to un-Park a call. With some software releases when you push the Park button once to un-Park the call the CLID of the caller is displayed, the call is not...
No, I do not believe so. That would be controlled by the firmware uploaded to the phone from the IPO and I don't think there is anyway to edit the firmware file on the IPO's SD card.
If you want to dial 9 first you need a Short Code of 9N - Dial - N - Line Group 50 Main
If you want to dial without the 9 first then your Short Code would be ? - Dial - . - Line Group 50 Main
What is your application?
You could create multiple Hunt Groups each with a different extension number and have a single phone a member of each group. The phone would have only its extension number but would be a member of as many groups as you create, each with a unique extension number.
We did something similart to this for an insurance company once. All DIDs were directed to the same AA that would play the recording announcment but a module in the AA also collected the incoming dialed digits and because the last 4 digits of the DID were the same as the person's extension...
What IPO platform are you using? I have done this with a 500V2 and VM Pro. I set up a simple AA to answer every call, with a Generic action where the recording announcement is played, after that the call goes to a Transfer action that takes the caller to a Group. Is this not what you want or...
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