New to the mitel world, we have a user who would like to have one of the hunt group voicemail boxes(might be a ring group) light their phone when there is a voicemail. Doesn't seem like a great way to me but what do I know. Anyone know if this can be accomplished?
We have a manager who monitors a ring group and was wondering if there was a way to view the ring group calls within the micollab desktop client. Similar to Avayas phone manger software on the client machines.
We are having some issues with calls not being transferred on our SIP trunk to our business. The tech gave us this:
We hear less than a 10th of a second of ringback, then 5-10 seconds of silence, then it immediately starts playing audio from the companies IVR menus, without ever hearing a full...
About once a week we need to restart the voicemail pro service because it is not working. The service never actually stops. I do not see anything in the event viewer. There may be a correlation between VM channel or VCM licenses getting full possibly? Any thoughts?
Phone manager and our logs on our 5610s are not showing a 1 for when incoming calls coming in that are long distance, so you have to redial the whole number instead of just using the call function from the phone or phone manager. Is this a setting somewhere on our SIP Trunk or do I need...
Thanks for reply, in system status I am seeing a round trip delay from line 9(PRI) to the IPO. That does not seem to sync with the issues but going to reboot that adtran.
We recently have had an increase in call volume and noticing a lot of calls that are dropping and calls with no audio but show connected. I checked licensing issues and line usage and no issues with that. We have a PRI configured that is connected to an adtran that translates to SIP...
Every once and awhile we get congestion on our VM channels. What happens to calls if using VM Pro for your front end if you run out of licenses?
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