Oh, btw, I also removed the NT4 pdc there was in the network.
Well, believe it or not, but posting in this forum has solved the problem ;)
I already had the search open and tried the last thing Google found......Guess what....
All is well again!
Hi all,
I've got a problem that's been giving me headaches for over 2 days now.
Windows 2003 Server, sp2, DC, enough memory and disc space. (NO SQLSERVER BTW)
At first there were problems with Disc Management MMC, NTBackup and VSS
After a lot of reading and applying solutions found all over...
We tried the offline install (15Mb), through Windows Update and with the downloaded installer, all with the same result.
-*- The best way to speed up a pc: 9,8m/s^2 -*-
Xp PRO new, out of the box with SP2, with and without sp3 it does not install ie7.
We have a list of programs to install when we build a new pc and Acrobar reader is (alphabetically) one of the first to be installed. We tried and like(d) the AR9 so we installed it. After that several other...
That also didn't help. We have been searching for 3 days on several pc's but to no avail until we discovered that it DOES install with acrobat reader 9 removed.
The ie7-main.log file
01:06.719: INFO: |Inst. IE >>> Waiting for Internet Explorer installation to complete...
Internet Explorer installation did not complete"
And it leaves you the link to the general update issues page on your desktop.
We tried everything. Up to reinstalling windows and all.
If you like i'll post the exact error given in the ie7-main log file.
-*- The best way to speed up a...
We were unable to update new computers to IE7 because of
ACROBAT READER 9 ....believe it or not...
Hope to be of help
-*- The best way to speed up a pc: 9,8m/s^2 -*-
For anyone interested, it was solved by uninstalling, rebooting the server and installing Tapeware 7.0 again.
-*- The best way to speed up a pc: 9,8m/s^2 -*-
I got Tapeware installed at serveral locations and in general I'm quite happy with it, but today is not my lucky day i guess:
When I try to open the Alert (whatever alert it is) the Tapeware program closes and a debug windows appears (Visual studio i believe).
Any of you guys had that problem...
I recentry came across this problem and i had it solved adding a security template to the public folders and adding a key in the regstry of the users computers. See this link to have it explained by Microsoft:
The best way to...
Thanks for your replies, but it is still not working as it should. McAfee adviced me to exclude Arcserve.exe, but even that didn't do the trick.
I'm still waiting for McAfee to reply.
The best way to speed up a pc: 9,8m/s^2
I'm having a problem with my (arcserve) windows backup.
Before (ePo 3.01 - VS7.0) it backed-up at a rate of 100Mb/minute and now, after upgrading (ePo 3.5 - VS8.0i) it makes copies at a rate of 35-40 Mb/minute.
Do/did you have the same problem? What is your solution for this? A batch file that...
Hi all, great forum, I'm here all the time.
Does anyone know how to manually remove the agent services?
The normal (manual) way to uninstall it has already been tried and failed.
- frminst.exe /remove=agent
or even - frminst.exe /forceuninstall
gives an error:
"Searching for previous...
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