I'm having a problem with my (arcserve) windows backup.
Before (ePo 3.01 - VS7.0) it backed-up at a rate of 100Mb/minute and now, after upgrading (ePo 3.5 - VS8.0i) it makes copies at a rate of 35-40 Mb/minute.
Do/did you have the same problem? What is your solution for this? A batch file that stops the services?
net stop `epo` etc?
Thanks for your time and effort.
Before (ePo 3.01 - VS7.0) it backed-up at a rate of 100Mb/minute and now, after upgrading (ePo 3.5 - VS8.0i) it makes copies at a rate of 35-40 Mb/minute.
Do/did you have the same problem? What is your solution for this? A batch file that stops the services?
net stop `epo` etc?
Thanks for your time and effort.