Thanks for the update on this problem. It's quite difficult to tell which part(s) of the electronic circuitry are causing issues without delving quite deeply into it with a 'scope, etc. Capacitors, for example, can still falter without showing any external signs. Some go open circuit, so in a...
Before you do much else, I'd check to see if the <Alt> key is actually working. I use an old DOS programme to check keyboard keys, but there are several Windows based programmes out there...
I agree with Goombawaho. Not cost effective to spend much more time on this... Try a small USB WiFi device it it - you'll know pretty quickly if it's going to work or not. And these devices are so small your user may not even notice it's plugged in!
Sorry, been away so unable to reply...
Well, you've got some quite variable Noise Margin figures there. It's possible something else is causing this interference, but I'm still erring towards a PSU problem. Virtually all PSUs these days are of the Switching Mode variety. If not properly...
Open Network and Sharing Center, then Manage Wireless Networks. If you still see the AP that you previously connected to listed, delete it. Now click on the WiFi icon in the Systemtray and see if it will re-detect the wanted AP.
Haven't got a BT hub here, so can't lead you through it, but try and check the SNR of the Downstream signal from within the hub. It sounds to me like you have electrical noise being introduced into your network when the XP machine is attached using Ethernet cable. I have see this before, and...
There is also the possibilty that the hard drive developed some bad sectors which have now got locked out - your missing files could have been on those sectors.
I have successfully used GetDataBack for several years, but I've found that when it wasn't able to find some missing data, EASEUS...
Was the replaced motherboard identical to the original one. I.e same revision number etc?
Have you rechecked to see that the connections to the 'enable' button were firmly in place?
Is there any option in the BIOS to enable/disable the wireless device?
No, all accounts are POP3. If I can't find an answer to this one I may have to install virtual PC, run XP in it, and go back to Outlook Express! A bit O.T.T. but user doersn't like the WLM setup...
All it seems to allow me to do is create a new folder which I can call INBOX-NEW, for example, within one of the existing accounts. I'd hoped to be able to re-direct all mail into one of the existing inboxes without having to create yet another one!
Since we now have to put up with WLM as Outlook Express isn't an option Under Windows 7, I am trying to get the message rules option to work. Here's the scenario:-
User has set up 6 e-mail accounts, which appears to mean there are 6 inboxes, 6 sent boxes, 6 draft boxes etc. Tried to set a...
If you're running a data recovery service as a business, you may find that you are contravening the software licence for free versions of some programmes. Read any small print very carefully first...
What, and how, are you running antivirus/malicious software checks? Your problem suggests to me that whatever you're running is not finding the root cause.
Given you have the facility, I'd remove the hard disk drive from the infected machine, and attach it as a secondary drive to a known clean...
Your optical drive (CD) is set to autorun any disk that is inserted that has a run or boot programme on it. This is nothing to worry about. Just click on the EXIT button which is below the options you saw on the screen. This removes the XP CD's opening menu options, and leaves the disk in the...
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