I don't know who said it first but -
"The worst day of fishing beats the best day at work."
Actually, what I would love to do is to rebuild a 1960's muscle car i.e GTO, Nova, Road Runner, etc. But that means getting Mrs. Eguy to vacate the garage and park on the street, and I don't see...
Bill et al,
This makes as much sense as me buying a book from Amazon.com and then having to buy another copy for my wife to read.
Fortunatly, (for me anyway) I have just recently retired so I don't have to put up with that type of BS anymore.
Please let me know if the suggestion(s) I...
PING will wait for a number of milliseconds between two PINGS before giving a time-out if the -w switch is used.
For example:
PING -n 1 -w 60000 >NUL
will cause the execution to pause 60 seconds (60,000 milliseconds).
Just be sure that the address that you PING is NOT a valid...
A strictly enforced Acceptable Use Policy.
My $0.02
Please let me know if the suggestion(s) I provide are helpful to you.
Sometimes you're the windshield... Sometimes you're the bug.
The short answer is "Windows 2000 Server is required for hosting Terminal Services sessions."
For more info go to:
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Sometimes you're the...
Control Panel opens an applet for each .CPL file it finds in the %systemroot%\system32 folder. You can remove an applet for everyone by deleting the file (or simply changing the extension to something other than .CPL). Finer grain control is possible under NTFS by restricting read access...
Follow this link:
This guy has tons of scripts on his site. Just do a FIND for LMHOSTS.
Disclaimer - You will probably have to tweak his script a bit to fit your needs, but it's a start.
Please let me know if the suggestion(s) I...
Glad you got it working.
And thanks for posting back with the fix that worked for you. It may help others in the future.
Please let me know if the suggestion(s) I provide are helpful to you.
Sometimes you're the windshield... Sometimes you're the bug.
Look at this thread:
Please let me know if the suggestion(s) I provide are helpful to you.
Sometimes you're the windshield... Sometimes you're the bug.
COPY TO <filename> TYPE SDF
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Sometimes you're the windshield... Sometimes you're the bug.
You can open them directly in Foxpro.
MODIFY FILE <filename>
Then change the font to Foxfont.
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Sometimes you're the windshield... Sometimes you're the bug.
Full surface or “donut-style” labels are preferable to partial stickers as the latter can potentially upset the balance of a disc when playing back, especially at high speeds, causing excessive noise, vibration and data retrieval problems. Plus they look more professional.
See the Foxpro help for DISPLAY MEMORY
Please let me know if the suggestion(s) I provide are helpful to you.
Sometimes you're the windshield... Sometimes you're the bug.
This is going to be tricky. cliconfg.exe is the Client Configuration Utility for MS SQL Server. It has also been associated with opaserv.t which is one nasty worm.
More info here:
Please let me know if the suggestion(s) I...
I whole-heartedly agree with dbMark and Volker. It has been my experience that whenever you change an index value when that index is active, all bets are off. It is sure to come back and bite you in the #%&. Maybe not all the time, but it will eventually.
My $0.02
Please let...
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