What are you trying to pass? If it a straight URL, there are a few ways to do that.
If it for an XML mashup, there are several ways to accomplish this. Frankly the easiest it to parse it on a OnLoad() event after you place the field on the form somewhere (you can disable the field to prevent...
I am assuming you are tying this with SQL.
You need to use the filtered lookup tables. The name field will display the topic. The ID, straight from the base table will display the GUID.
The table to pull is "FilteredOpportunity"
I had an annoying issue over the past several months, were a client that we service (I make no bones that I am from a IT background not telephony, and every time I install a system or configure I give a lot more appreciation towards that telephony background), complains that there phones do not...
This is a strange problem I am having. I migrated a SBS4.0 (Yes it was a NT server), to SBS03 R2. The migration went as smooth as you would expect a migration of this sort to go.
One of the snags was changing the Internal DNS from .org to .local, which was done. This workstation was joined...
Intrigrant and Perv2,
Thanks this resolved the problem. I was away for a few days so I apologize in the delay.
After I had my cable plugged in I was able to load the bin files. I could not connect through manager, but after finding the HEX address in the console log, I was able to connect...
Do I use a regular 9 pin Serial cable, or a serial to Cat53 cable, and plug that into my PC's ethernet port?
As for the binary directory, shall I point it to the bins for the last known firmware level?
I have been pressing ESC, but no matter what that is the output. Is the ESC a timed process?
I have a 406v2 unit, that a technician was upgrading from 2.1, however, during the process the system filed, and no the 406v2 is unresponsive.
I have poured over this forum and used the FAQ and other hints, but I cannot get eh 406v2 to respond.
Here is the output
Programming FPGA ...
This seems pretty straight forward, but I am getting flustered over this.
I have several users that monitor different hunt groups. I want to be able to program a button their phone (5420/5410), to retrieve their hunt group messages.
Version 3.2.53 of Monitor
Version 3.2.18 of VoiceMail Pro...
Site A: 406v2 -3.2.53
Address: 10.10.X.1
Line 100: IP Line to 10.20.X.1
Site B: 406v2 -3.2.53
Address: 10.20.X.1
Line 100: IP Line to 10.10.X.1
I am new to SCN, and I have setup two sites. Site A has 6 POTS lines and 1 IP line to Site B. Site B has 0 POTS lines and 1 IP line to Site A...
I have read previous posts, in that you can edit the voicemail subject for VMPro Email notifications, but only in versions below 3.0.
Is there anyway to edit the subject in the email? I have tried to edit it in the registry, but with no success.
I would like the external call-in number to...
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