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Worst Ooops you've recieved 5

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Jan 12, 2006
I just received an email to inform me that I misspelled maintenance on the title bar of a window. I spelled it maintinance. I know, idiotic and unprofessional on my part, but the reply was classic! And now, the quote from the email I received on the matter: "...maintenance was misspelled in the blue bar thing, and needs to be spelled correctly. You spelled it pfonetically."

Ooops... What was that? I can't understand you with your foot in there! I restrained myself from simply replying: PWNED!
Were they being funny?

[tab][red]The plural of anecdote is not data[/red]

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I'm pretty sure they weren't. Cynicism is not something they practice. Plus the email also included misuse of both "to" and "too". I'm no grammar expert, and have probably comma-spliced a sentence or two in this thread alone, but when trying to prove you grammar expertise, I would think you would proof your own replies.
We got a bad oops the other day. A client sent an email to a huge group of people asking us to have a meeting to discuss getting our data requirements the same since we were all part of the same company. Unfortunately for the author, we aren't all part of the same company, some of us work for one company and others work for our largest competitor and the rest were his bosses. (He also sent me their data file and them our data file, ooops)

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My worst ooops, I think, was a long drawn-out e-mail discussing another employee's internet usage habits.

Well, it was reply after reply after reply, until the entire thread got quite long, and when a decision was made (in the e-mail), I forwarded the email (along with all the replies, and management discussing the employee) to him.


I got yelled at.

A lot.

Just my 2¢
-ARRGH! All my clothes are wrinkled! Oh, the irony!

Several years ago, when I worked at Oracle Corporation, one of our employees had a very funny (but very off-colour, ribald, profane, not-ready-for-corporate-exposure) joke that she wanted to share with just her mom and dad (who apparently delved into such reciprocal e-mail fun with their daughter on a regular basis).

She set up a personal mail-group alias for just her mom's and dad's e-mail addresses and sent the story to the alias, "Parents".

Unfortunately, she used her Oracle corporate e-mail account to send the anecdote. Adding to her misfortune was the fact that Oracle had a corporate-mail-group alias named "Parents" that takes precedence over personal mail-group aliases. As a result, 950 Oracle "Parents" (who share parenting ideas amongst their group) received the off-colour story instead of her parents.

Needless to say, there was red-faced embarrassment ([blush])all over her e-mail apology to the highly offended Oracle "Parents" organisation.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
pfff, c'mon, these things happen. I sometimes wonder where people's sense of humour has gone.

The other day, someone in my company was trying to invite a friend to a bbq. I don't know what he was thinking, but he ended up using a group that listed every single employee worldwide (+/- 25k!!!!).

He got a lot of replies asking him how big his backyard was and if they could declare the airfares (obviously they all replied to all, so our mailserver admins had a bit of a bad day) [laughtears]


Probably my worst oops ever came about while working as a computer lab tech at the library. I let an African American patron borrow one of my personal disks to save a paper, and didn't even think about all of my English and Ethics papers from that semester being saved in the root of the disk... It wouldn't have been a major ordeal, if I hadn't written multiple papers on the KKK that semester. Talk about being in an awkward situation! The papers were by no means derogatory or coming from a racist view, but talk about being an inch tall!
Young man, where's your grammar?"

"She's out in the kitchen, bakin' cookies!
Was the oops in this threads title intended thekl0wn?

[thumbsup2] Wow, I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time.
I think I've forgotten this before.

I guess it kind of was. It was a drawn-out finetic spelling of oops.
A real-life, face-to-face one:

My then-girlfriend-now-wife was in college and had to work in the campus computer lab on some project. At this time she was very unsure of using computers, and asked me to accompany her to the lab so I could help her. (The lab staff, while well-meaning, were quite over-worked and it could be a long wait to get assistance). So I'm there helping my sweetie, and another woman sitting nearby asks me a question. Being a nice guy, I helped her with her problem too. This goes on for a while, with me helping my wife and this other woman. Finally, I'm helping my wife with something that was (for her) pretty difficult, and the other woman started to ask me another question. I politely told her that I was busy, and I would help her when I could.

Well, the other woman proceeded to berate me loudly, in front of the 40 or so other people in the computer lab. "Why are you spending all of your time helping her?!? I may not be as young or good looking as she is (she wasn't), but it's your job to help all of us, not just the pretty girls! Now either get over here and help me or I'm going to tell your boss!"

I don't think I've ever seen someone blush quite so deeply when I informed her that I did NOT work at the lab, I was there helping out my girlfriend and had been helping her (the other woman) just to be nice, etc. I then smiled broadly and told her that if she'd just be patient, I'd still be happy to help her with her problem.

The poor woman stammered an apology, signed off the computer and left in a hurry.

Oh, and my wife is now technically savvy enough to have her own laptop, that she uses with a projector to do presentations in her classroom...all with no help from me. [2thumbsup]

I used to rock and roll every night and party every day. Then it was every other day. Now I'm lucky if I can find 30 minutes a week in which to get funky. - Homer Simpson

Arrrr, mateys! Ye needs ta be preparin' yerselves fer Talk Like a Pirate Day!
MrMilson said:
Was the oops in this threads title intended thekl0wn?
TheKl0wn said:
I guess it kind of was. It was a drawn-out finetic spelling of oops.
I believe that the "Ooops" to which MrMilson refers is "recieved" versus "received". [smile]

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)
[I provide low-cost, remote Database Administration services: www.dasages.com]
This is where PinkGecko pipes up and says the only reason I noticed was I made the same mistake in a form title. It only took about six months for one of the hundreds of users to point it out to me.

As a side effect I now have a moderate hesitation whenever I read or write the word received, thanks guys :)

[thumbsup2] Wow, I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time.
I think I've forgotten this before.

As long as your name was on it as the official developer, I was willing to snicker behind your back [tongue] I before E except after C, excluding "weird" words.

[blue]Never listen to your customers. They were dumb enough to buy your product, so they have no credibility. - Dogbert[/blue]
I remember working for a large multinational engineering company in the UK, when we were moving from windows 9x to NT4. We got a contractor in, who reported to me, to cover some of the day to day work while I concentrated on rolling out NT.

However, our MD decided that he "NEEDED TO HAVE NT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AND BEFORE HE LEFT FOR A CONFERENCE ABROAD" on the following following Friday.

So, I pulled out all the stops, and got NT onto his laptop before he left, and even found the time to show him what was different between NT and 9x. and off he went on his merry way.

2 weeks later when he returned from his conference, he came into my office, to say his son could not play some game or other on the laptop because it was now running NT and not 9x. To which I replied, that as it was a company policy change to move to NT, and children should not be using company laptops for playing games, then there was little I could do about it.

Not to be out done by a "techy" our MD then called the contractor, and made up some story about not being able to run some competetors software, that he needed to have in order to stay ahead of the game. The contractor in question considered this a legitamate reason for dual booting to 9x, and set about doing this, but without telling me.

Unfortunately, our contractor stuffed the MD's NT installation so badly, the only way to fix it was to wipe the disk, and start again. Que the MD calling me into his office.

Once I got there, the MD started ranting about how he had lost all this data, and that I should have been supervising the contractor better, and that the level of service was very poor, that he could quite easily out-source the IT support, and put us all out of jobs. Then he came to the classic line "I dont expect to be treated like this, I am not exactly the tea boy around here!"

So very calmly, I replied, "If you had not been so much in a hurry to get NT, this would not have occured, if you had not gone against my decision that there was no feasable reason to return to windows 9x, there were practical problems with going back to windows 9x, if you had not gone and told an out and out lie to my contractor, then you would not be in this mess. As for not being the tea boy, even if you had have been the tea boy, you would have still got the same level of support, as I have tried my best to do what you asked me to do."

I think that he was a little bit suprised that I had the guts to stand up to him when he was in such a bad mood. Needless to say, he never had a problem which needed immediate attention again.

You may think if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Engineers think that if it isn't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet!
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