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Windows98 slow response after upgrading BIOS

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Technical User
Apr 19, 2003
Windows98 slow response after upgrading BIOS with IBM Couflash
Two weeks ago I downloaded Couflash from IBM official site for Aptiva PC to upgrade my 2176-X01 Aptiva, made the bootable diskette and proceeded flashing the BIOS as instructed. Regrettably I was interested to alter the Model and Serial Number, and filled in 2176X01 and 90A23TM. My 2176 has a small tag stuck at the front cover, and it reads 2176-X01 for model and 90-A23TM for serial number. Everything looked OK, up to booting and running Windows98, and Windows as expected detected and installed new hardwares, then asked to Restart my computer. After restarting, the disaster appear : Windows runs very slowly, so I could not use my mouse. I used keyboard like tab, arrows and Enter, and Windows need about one to two minutes for each keystroke ! I tried to move the mouse, it seemed to freeze but after one minute it moved a very little bit. By the way, my system works OK if I let Windows 98 run in Safe Mode. I have replaced the hard disk with 850MB Quantum and its Windows still runs very slow. I have also tried to delete several device in the Device Manager, and deleting sub-device Plug and Play BIOS in System Device will make Windows runs normally, but a large number of devices like Ports, Disk Drives etc in Device Manager disappear as well. Later I accessed Don's unofficial Aptiva Help Site, and found that it is not recommended to alter Model and Serial Number when flashing. The problem is that I forget the original model and serial number are. Don's unofficial Aptiva support says that 2176 is machine number and X01 is model number. So I tried my luck and reflashed my BIOS. I think I should enter X01 for model because Couflash should have known that my machine is 2176. Similarly, I tried to key in A23TM for serial number when flashing with Couflash. But my Windows response is still very slow. I have also tried to make them blank, fill with 12345678 etc., but nothing changes. With the Setup utility you can display model and serial number. Setup reflects last entries of Model and Serial numbers done with Couflash or other flashing utility. If you enter three digit like X01, Couflash will add leading zeroes to complete to 7 digits, so in Setup it will be displayed 0000X01. Can some one be kind enough to open his/her 2176 PC Setup and inform me what his/her numbers were, are they 3 digit with leading 4 zeroes or full 7 digit ? This will limit my trial and error while waiting and searching for another help. I tried to search BIOS update for 2176 in the Internet other or older than COUFLASH, but there was nothing. I wonder how I could flash my original BIOS back.Don's unofficial Aptiva Help Site has also list of IBM Aptiva 2176 BIOS files before COUFLASH but they are regrettably inaccessible to dwonload. Please someone solve my problem or give me suggestion.

Jusman Sulaiman
IBM Aptiva 2176-X01, Windows98, 48MB RAM, 3GB Hard Drive
? Model and Serial Number should be irrevelant. Can you give more details why you were upgrading bios (eg, problems you were having etc).
Thanks for your attention. I decide to upgrade my BIOS in order to break the 8 GB hard disk limit since I intend to upgrade my hard disk to 20 GB. In addition, the new upgrade BIOSfile also offer Added DVD identification, Fixed timings for DMA modes, Added LBA seek command support, Fixed return codes for INT 13H Extension failures, Set up interrupt vectors if any drive is connected, Don't wait for reset on warm boot, Fixed ATAPI drive detection issues,Set default parallel port mode to extended capabilities port (ECP)
Don't spin up disks coming out of Standby, Fixed check for real-time clock (RTC) update-in-progress, Added checks for RTC update-in-progress in power management, and Updated timer tick Y2K rollover algorithm. Later I realized that the Aptiva 2176 hardware limitation only support for 8 GB hard drive. If you said that serial number is irrelevant then Couflash is buggy or bad while it has been around since 1999. I will be grateful if someone ever using Couflash share his/her experience.
Sorry - am not familiar with Couflash (foolishly assumed it was just a normal flash program). But, according to you should NOT change the serial number and model - or you may have problems! So - have you tried repeating the flashing process - this type choosing NOT to change. If no good, could try it again changing them back to original values.
Thank you for kind attention. Yes, at last I went to IBM Bussiness Partner shop in my town earlier today and attempted to purchase the BIOS chip. Unfortunately they only do repairing not selling spareparts. However I left the machine with them to examine and hope that they finally look for the chip. I know that Aptiva 2176 is an old machine and hardly has enough support from IBM. I also have joined IBM official Aptiva forum, but I cannot directly contact IBM expert there since my computer has been out of warranty. It seemed that IBM didn't care with consumer who has used their product (Couflash), and let me find answer among novice users like me who join the forum.
Seems like IBM is doing their best to get you to buy a new computer.

If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
Sorry, I forget to reply to you this : Couflash will exit if during reflashing I choose NOT to change. If it detect that the BIOS is the same with the flash file, it also ask to exit but still let me continue reflashing. Couflash doesn't offer to backup the BIOS original content, so you can't get it back since it seems it has been overwritten.

Ha-ha-ha, I agree with you ! Actually I have purchased a new Taiwan made PC, but I still want to use the Aptiva for typing etc, because IBM is said to make robust and good machine although they are not so friendly with customers. At least I have spend more than two weeks from forum to forum to cure my machine, and I have created older "Aptiva" only to collect anything about Aptiva like a freak and now it has swelled to 4.15 MB !

Hi there,

just a thought ...

did you do a fresh install of W98 on the drive or did you Ghost it?

cuz it sounds to me like you got some driver incompatibilities there in W98 that is causing the system to use all the resources... could be the GFX drivers...

I would opt for a fresh install of W98 on a clean drive (ergo reformat) and check if it cures it then...

try starting in safe mode to check for driver problems. make sure that sync mode (ultraDMA) check box for drive is NOT checked
I really have attempted all possibilities that will cure my machine, including install other hard disks that work in other systems, and of course installing Win98 and also Win 95 freshly on 3 GB HD, but to no joy. Windows 3.11 ? Yes it works fine. After I gave up and submit my machine to IBM service station, some one gave me illuminating message that the problem lies in the display adapter that Couflash doesnt support because my Aptiva is too old. Today morning I went to IBM Business Partner Service Center here in Jakarta . They have repaired my Aptiva, and actually they have reflashed its BIOS with BFLUS4N which is newer than the original but older (dated 02/10/99) than Couflash (dated 02/11/99). Now it runs perfectly. I also took a look into the Setup screens and found that the Model and Serial Number are 2176X01 and 90A23TM which are the same with the sticker minus dash ("-") in front of the machine. The service charge is about US$ 17 including tax for Carry In-Take Out service (no delivery). Thank you very much for your attention.

As I have said in my first message, if I run the Aptiva in Safe Mode, it works fine. Yes, I believe that the problem is in the display driver that Couflash doesn't support. However, now it has been reflashed with BFLUS4N which is older than Couflash, but has no problem with it. I have checked the driver's properties and could not find the sync mode as you have said. Thank you for your attention.
Hi there,

I am glad that you got it fixed...

now I wouldn't have come upon that the prob would lie with the COUFLASH proggy and the drivers...

learning is a quest that takes a lifetime to accomplish...

greets Ben
To my opinion, Couflash is poorly supported by IBM and troublesome because no backup option available and actually it is not compatible with all 2176 Aptiva. I will bemore careful in the future. The sadder, the wiser.




Jusmann - too true...

Shakeel - start your own thread... this one is now DEAD...
and change the lowercase... it's concidered SHOUTING when one uses Uppercase in forums and Chats...

Have you tried Scandisk or Norton Disk Doctor ? It's also to my surprise that Windows/DOS Scandisk and Norton Disk Doctor doesn't let you mark yourself the area you don't want to access forever. Instead it keeps trying to read that bad area. While it does retrieve data out of the area, it's surely far better to sacrifice a tiny block for a nowadays' giant hard disk ! In addition, I wonder why they don't let us determine the degree of conservativeness of the test, so we can get rid of half-bad blocks forever with the strickest test. The best you can do is running scandisk, record the bad blocks, make calculation from the graphic display of precentage of area you want to delete, then with PowerQuest's Partition Magic you make partitions of the bad blocks (hopefully they don't scatter on your disk) and finally delete the badblock-partitions leaving only healthy partitions on your hard disk. You can also search the internet for your hard disk manufacturer's low formatter and hopefully it can mark and write the badblock in the badblock table so you can never find them again.

I am sorry I don't check my thread for long time... Now my problem has been solved, but any other comments or topics are welcome.

You've answered the reason why this thread is dead, 'Now my problem has been solved...'

when someone else has a problem he/she should start their own thread, it is then easier to follow and for others trying to help not so confusing...

I hope that there is no offense in the above, since non are intended...

OK, and thank you, and thanks to all for your helpful suggestions !!


no thanks needed... helping others is thanks enough...

good luck in the future...

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