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windows95 hangs.... 1

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Sep 7, 1999
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My win95 machine hangs on the 'please wait while windows shuts down your machine" screen and sits like that all night untill I come in the next day and have to power it off and run scandisk because it was shut down improperly.<br>
Anyone got any Ideas????<br>
thanks in advance<br>
Would you share it with the rest of us who have that problem please? Its usually a thread that doesn't close properly, but any quick way of finding what it is would be appreciated...
That's a good idea, if people do figure things out on their own, they should post the solution. This way in case another person runs into a similar situation they won't have to be asking the same question.
Jason: Several of my co-workers have asked the same question and I had to reply with "I don't know".<br>
If you have found the magic bullet you should share it with your partners.<br>
P.S. Zel and I don't mind sharing our ammo.<br>

This can be a problem with Windows 95 especially version C. (with IE and the Active desktop built in).<br>
Try doing a shutdown to dos mode and then switching off when you return to the dos prompt.<br>
Sometimes this will let you shutdown properly the next time and for other PC's it is just easier to shutdown to Dos mode everytime to avoid the hassle of the scandisk upon your next boot.
And sometimes........you just need to install BOE (Back-Orifice Eliminator) and the problem is &quot;magically&quot; resolved after your next reboot....but that's only if you've been plagued by Back Orifice & the person who's preying on your system didn't heed the warnings that came with his trojan ;) <p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>*nix installation & program collector/reseller. Contact me if you think you've got one that I don't :)
Yes; beleive it or not, they do......not even 1 computer in our school system is NOT susceptible (except the Novell servers that run the LAN in one of our buildings...no server for Novell yet) <p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>*nix installation & program collector/reseller. Contact me if you think you've got one that I don't :)
But its <b><i>so easy</i></b> to protect yourself against that junk now, I simply cannot believe that people are not protecting themselves. Although I was on IRC earlier today and someone kept compaining that were getting <b><span style=color:red>nuked</span></b> and I kept saying how, hasn't that been fixed already? Where have I been I thought, when did these things spring up again? <p>John D. Saucier<br><a href=mailto:jsauce@net1plus.com>jsauce@net1plus.com</a><br><a href= Backup</a><br>
Back Orifice is detected by all leading anti virus software and there is a back orifice detector from the back orifice web site. Add that executable to your startup folder if you have to...
It isn't over 'till it's over. In the last two weeks I have discovered a system infected (through and through) with Stealth B, a hard drive infected with Stealth C and a floppy carrying the Michaelangelo virus. Last year I found a new variant of the BUPT virus. These are all relatively ancient viruses.<br>
A trojan like Back Orifice (or it's re-engineered grandchildren) could be with us for a long, long time.
Any sane person should have some type of Anti-Virus software loaded on there computer. Many companies offer free anti-virus software so there should be no reason why anyone shouldn't have it. <p>John D. Saucier<br><a href=mailto:jsauce@net1plus.com>jsauce@net1plus.com</a><br><a href= Backup</a><br>
True. Everyone should have health insurance but millions don't. Millions don't think it is necessary.<br>
Until it's too late.<br>
Co-workers and friends who use anti-virus software and keep up-to-date virus defs help to keep my systems healthy.<br>

speking of oldies......we found over 57 instances of the class.poppy virus on one of the secretaries' HDDs at the local school.....whe was <b>QUITE</b> distrubed to see a message box saying: &quot;I think Muncie Central is a big stupid jerk&quot; pop up on her screen right after she saved her Word document (and that computer DID have an anti-virus.<br>
Also...I found a few computers in the school that will detect my BackOrifice bugs....the ones that have illegal copies of Norton AV's latest version that is......the others (running IBM AV are still QUITE susceptible....I've even called IBM AV using one of my Back Orifice bugs & forced it to run on the computer.....<i>still</i> didn't detect me. <p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>*nix installation & program collector/reseller. Contact me if you think you've got one that I don't :)
...so anybody got other ideas/solutions on how to fix up a hanging windows 95?
hmmmm.......tie a rope aroung the base of your monitor; tie the other end around a big rock near the edge of a cliff; drop the monitor over the cliff... ;P<br>
One of the best ways I've found (seriously now) to stop that (at least temporarily) is to boot the computer in safe mode (press F8 when you see the &quot;Starting Windows 9x...&quot; message during boot; then select &quot;Safe Mode&quot; from the menu that pops up), messing around on it for a while.....doesn't matter what you do; just gotta do some stuff to clear out the HDD I/O buffers; then reboot your computer normally; this often will (at least temporarily) fix that problem for you. <p>-Robherc<br><a href=mailto:robherc@netzero.net>robherc@netzero.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>*nix installation & program collector/reseller. Contact me if you think you've got one that I don't :)
Yeah. I turn it off and then press &quot;X&quot; when scandisk starts. Haven't had a problem yet.<br>
Not very eloquent, not Personal Computer Correct. But it works. Who has time to check for errors that don't exist?<br>
I'm pretty sure that Windows has already finished its housekeeping a few seconds after the &quot;Please wait...&quot; logo appears. Is there any hard drive activity? No? Shut it down.
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