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Windows NT Reboot/Shutdown Problems

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Jul 13, 2001
I am running NAV 7.5 Corporate on an NT network. I pushed the client out using NT Client Install. Now most of my NT 4.0 Workstation boxes won't reboot or shutdown. They get an "End Task" error with Explorer or My Computer. The NT boxes are running Service Pack 6a. The NT boxes also sometimes have very, very slow logins. Anyone familiar with this?
Addional note: I have removed NAV from a test box and the problem went away with it. Is there a fix for this?
Login's will be slow if the Nav Server has had updates install on it, becuase when the person first log's on it has to update that machine. If you can't fix it in 20 call someone who can.
Here is another way to make your life miserable: Install IE 6.0 on an NT machine with NAV on it, reboot (of course), then take 3 1/2 hours to log back on with CPU utilization at 100%. Norton is not making me happy! (by the way, Netsheild box performed same operation flawlessly)
In regards to the end-task error on shutdown on the NT workstations... Go to SSC console or log in as administrator to the workstation. Select the client realtime protection options. Select advanced. Select floppies. Select or check "do not scan floppy on shutdown". Update the symevent.exe from Symantec web site. That should help, at least on log out, shutdown. As for the entensive log in time... Make sure that you are not using any sort of disk compression in the Norton directories or Winnt directory or dll cache directory or program files/common files/. I know from past experience that this can cause major issues...
Thanks, MarkusE, I tried your suggestions on a test box with no help. I also tried not scanning exe files, but it still stalls. I even turned off real-time....stalls.

Thanks, MathewA, I am aware of the update process. The reason I mentioned the logins is because somtimes they take a REAL long time...like 2 hours. The CPU goes to 100% and the only way out is the power button. Nearly every machine I have pushed NAV to has done this at least once.

Maybe these 2 problems are related.

It apperas that with NAV on the machine, the End Task function is unable to close any open windows. Explorer.exe crashes every time, whether a window is open or not. Like I stated before, if I unsinstall NAV, everything goes back to working so I know the File system is not corrupt (thats for you tech-support guys who always suggest re-installing Windows)......Ha Ha.

Can anyone help?
What network protocols are you using on the Nav server, workstations, domain controllers...Binding order? etc... Maybe the issue has to due with Navce using TCP/IP and that is not playing nicely with your network protocol stack.

Another thought is... maybe one of the applications used on your workstations/network is having a conflict with Navce. Does task manager show any specific processes taking up cpu time, resources?
We are running TCP/IP only. During startup/login rtvscan.exe takes the CPU to 100%. This takes place on a Pentium II - 350 w/98MB RAM as easily as on a Pentium I - 166 w/32 MB RAM.

All of the problem machines are Compaq Deskpros with Win NT 4.0 SP6a, Office 2000 SR2, Internet Explorer 6.0 and other client/server packages like SAP GUI and Client Access (AS/400). They are a mix of CPU/memory combos....all within Norton specs for the Desktop Client.
I may be going in the wrong direction but.... What do all of the machines have in common? Is there a hardware conflict with NAV or even a S/W conflict. How fast are the NIC's? Are they all the same brand? What about the Video cards? I do believe that there is a list of incompatible products on the NAVCE CD. I do remember reading somewhere about a severe issue with Celeron processors and IE 5 was it? Just some ideas for you. Rtvscan hanging like that tells me that it could be either a processor issue (not fast enough) or maybe RAM. Does the harddrive thrash? I am leaning towards some incompatibility on the CPU. Maybe the video card or the processor. Let me know. You may want to contact Symantec with your hardware configuration and verify with them.
I have seen similar slowdown when both Norton AV and McAfee Virus Scan were installed on the same machine. If this is the case, try uninstalling McAfee and see if the speed comes back.
I finally figured it out....All of the boxes that had a problem previously had McAfee Netshield on them. Netshield is an old CA antivirus program that I don't think McAfee supportsd anymore. Apparently Netshield doesn't uninstall clean.

A+, N+, MCP
Hi I am running a P111 1.13ghz and 512mb ram and my cpu usage constantly runs to 100% and stays there. This is because the rtvscan.exe is chewing up the cpu usage. what can i do to solve this problem
My company uses WinNT operating system. EVERY time I log on, I get the Symevent download box. It tells me the program has been successfully installed, and that I will need to reboot for changes to take effect. What can I do to stop this?
Choctaw, pretty interesting solution to the Netshield issue. I went to CA's site to look up the document, but couldn't locate.

Have big issue with rtvscan sucking up available bytes and cpu cycles. Don't know whether Netshield is an issue. Any chance you have a link to the doc?
Actually, I think we are talking about 2 seperate issues.

The RTVSCAN problem seems to be a NAV CE issue. I didn't save the links but I did find a couple of articles on it. In fact, Symantec contacted me but it was a long time ago and I think they just suggested upgrading our version (not my department). After upgrading we haven't had any more issues.

The reboot problem is Netshield related. The only way I found to fix it was to reformat/reinstall. A+, N+, MCP
FYI, NetShield is from McAfee, not CA.

We have seen this problem and could not find a reliable fix for NAV CE 7.5.
The problem seems to be resolved in NAV CE 7.51 and 7.6 as per this link from Symantec's KB:

Document ID:2001050811275048
Last Modified:10/01/2002

Rtvscan.exe uses all available memory when scanning large text files

When scanning large text files with Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition (NAVCE) 7.5, you notice that Rtvscan.exe is using unusually high amounts of RAM, possibly causing other programs to fail with "low on memory" errors.

Symantec has resolved this problem with Decomposer 2 build 25. This fix was introduced in NAVCE 7.51 build 52 and is also included with NAVCE 7.6.



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