I have the following stored procedure running fine on a SQL Server 6.50.416 machine. <br>
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_search_person') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)<br>
drop procedure dbo.sp_search_person<br>
/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.sp_search_person Script Date: 9/14/99 9:14:50 PM ******/<br>
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_search_person AS<br>
select * from person p, #searchtemp st where p.person_id = st.person_id<br>
I need to get it on another machine running the same build of SQL Server. When I try to transfer to or recreate it on the other server, I get the error: <br>
Error 208: [SQL Server] Invalid object name "#searchtemp"<br>
What could be different about the servers that one would like it and the other would not?
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_search_person') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)<br>
drop procedure dbo.sp_search_person<br>
/****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.sp_search_person Script Date: 9/14/99 9:14:50 PM ******/<br>
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_search_person AS<br>
select * from person p, #searchtemp st where p.person_id = st.person_id<br>
I need to get it on another machine running the same build of SQL Server. When I try to transfer to or recreate it on the other server, I get the error: <br>
Error 208: [SQL Server] Invalid object name "#searchtemp"<br>
What could be different about the servers that one would like it and the other would not?