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Group results into one row 2


Mar 4, 2015

I have a query that I want to display all results into one row

The query currently returns the following


But I want it to display the figures in one row for Status as Free and one row as Status Allocated with the Total being the total of all the row. I have tried group by and other suggestions but cannot seem to get the result I am after. Here is my query, could someone advise please. Thanks in advance.

SELECT        ProductCode, CASE WHEN PackStatus = 10 THEN 'Free' WHEN PackStatus = 11 THEN 'Allocated' ELSE 'Received/Reconciled' END AS Status, CASE WHEN Length = 2.4 THEN Packs ELSE NULL END AS [2.4],
                         CASE WHEN Length = 3.0 THEN Packs ELSE NULL END AS [3.0], CASE WHEN Length = 3.6 THEN Packs ELSE NULL END AS [3.6], CASE WHEN Length = 4.2 THEN Packs ELSE NULL END AS [4.2],
                         CASE WHEN Length = 4.8 THEN Packs ELSE NULL END AS [4.8], CASE WHEN Length = 5.4 THEN Packs ELSE NULL END AS [5.4], CASE WHEN Length = 6.0 THEN Packs ELSE NULL END AS [6.0],
                         Packs AS Total
FROM            dbo.[148-vwproductfreefeedCP]
GROUP BY Packs, PackStatus, Length, ProductCode
Thanks Chris, I ran the query and I am getting 'STRING_AGG' is not a recognized built-in function name.
I am on Microsoft SQL Server 2016 so I think the 'STRING_AGG' came in on later versions, any ideas what it was before?
You need SQL Server 2017 or higher for that. Well, then you need an XML PATH query to create the list of lengths.
blimey this is getting a bit to difficult for me, I will google XML PATH query to create the list of lengths

Wait for it.

Declare @Lengths varchar(100);
Declare @sql varchar(8000);

Select @Lengths = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(convert(varchar(50), Length)) 
            from dbo.[148-vwproductfreefeedCP]
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')

Set @sql = 'SELECT PVT.*,
    CASE WHEN PackStatus = 10 THEN ''Free'' WHEN PackStatus = 11 THEN ''Allocated'' ELSE ''Received/Reconciled'' END AS Status
    FROM dbo.[148-vwproductfreefeedCP]
    PIVOT (
           FOR Length IN ('+@Lengths+')
          ) AS PVT';
You can see why STRING_AGG is much simpler, it's also faster for that use case. And most of the time XML PATH queries are done for the use case of aggregating a string.
Yes looks like STRIN_AGG is simpler.

Mmm I am getting this now

Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 6
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string '5.100000)
There's no unclosed quotation mark, are you copying this correctly?

But on the topic of quotes, for XML PATH queries, you might need to Set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER On at the top of the script.
Here it's with total:

Declare @Lengths varchar(100);
Declare @Total varchar(1000);
Declare @sql varchar(8000);

Select @Lengths = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(convert(varchar(50), Length))
            from dbo.[148-vwproductfreefeedCP]
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')

Set @Total = REPLACE(@Lengths,',',',0)+COALESCE(')
Set @Total = 'COALESCE('+@Total+',0)'

Set @sql = 'SELECT PVT.*,'+@Total+' as Total,
    CASE WHEN PackStatus = 10 THEN ''Free'' WHEN PackStatus = 11 THEN ''Allocated'' ELSE ''Received/Reconciled'' END AS Status
    FROM dbo.[148-vwproductfreefeedCP]
    PIVOT (
           FOR Length IN ('+@Lengths+')
          ) AS PVT';

And here's it working within sqlfiddle:

Part and Inventory Search

