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What is the "1" across my LCD screen? 4

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Nov 18, 2003
I have a client that has been getting a "1" come across their 7316e screen's. [MICS 6.1 T1 Prime Callpilot 150] It prevents them from making outside calls after this message come across. A simple telephone reset bring the phone back up. But this problem has been ongoing.... Can someone tell me what does the "1" message indicated and how severe is it/ Thanks
I wish! It has happened to numerous phone sets. (4) to be exact. The phone remains frozen until I do a system telephone reset! Has anyone had this problem?
you might have a glitch in your software, especially if your problem clears on a power reset but then comes back. you might try 1. default the system: power down the system, pull the software card out power up the system, power down the system put the memory card back in and re-program from your paper record. alternatively upgrade to a different software card, maybe a newer release of the 6.1 software.

Communications Systems Int'l
Jerry thanks for the information...
Question I had a system failure on this system a month ago. Whereas the system reset itself, but then could not reboot itself. It was stuck in the start up phase. I was sent a new NVRAM with 6.1 software which brought the system back up.... Everything seemed like it work perfectly. Should I have replaced the MICS cabinet also? Could this be a source of the problem?
You could have a cabinet problem, yes, You might want to run it back thru ITAS or whatever tech support you have on this. It seems obvious that the month ago trouble hasen't been completely cleared.

Idle question: are the phones in "trouble" on a Station module? or the main cabinet?

Communications Systems Int'l
I have had the same "1" problem. Is nortel aware of this defect ?
citytech, can you explain your "1" problem a little more descriptive.
Guys, get a replacement for your 7316e...those are bad batch of phones.

The system is brand new MICS 6.1 with call pilot 100. T7316 sets. So far the system has been up 3 weeks and 3 different phones at different times have had just the number 1 in the right side of the display. The phone is locked up. RLS does not work, the set is frozen. If you go in to MAINT and check port status it reads BUSY. You must disable and renable. The problem goes away, then it appeared on 2 more sets. One of those sets being the boss! He was not happy. If anyone can talk with ITAS and get back to me I would appreciate it.
i had this problem too,
But is heraled itself after i reset the phone.


I'm also having this problem, MICS 6.1 XC. New installation, been up for a week or so. Client has had this exact problem occur on appx 10-12 different phones (out of 100+). Problem seems to occur randomly, but does display the "1" digit in the display, and a reset seems to clear it out, at least temporarily.

Starting to sound like this release has a bug to me. Anyone else seen this occur?
can you see if parking a call causes this problem ...
that seems to be a problem (have not verified yet)

MICS6.1 and call park , causes the phone to lockup ...
yes that is a confirmed/ acknowledged bug ...in Aug
solution in MICS6.1 MR wi 6.10 (as per software rel note 26)
contact your nortel vendor for replacing it

+ some more were also solved
I have this problem on two systems. You can clear the problem by dialing two more "1's". As to why this is going on ?????
maybe nortel is trying to let people know they are #1
I have came across this problem at 2 different sites. It was bugging me for a while, every 2 weeks or so. After I ran a BERT data test to the phone, it has stopped re-occurring (at least for now). I will look to verify if we are running the same 6.1 WI 6.10 and replace the software if there is a new release.
Big Clem
Here is my November Update,
I have a 80+ Station Norstar just upgraded to XC6.1 MR FC having the same strange Digit 1 lock outs! However our sets are the M7208s Rel 20 and 24. In several modules as well as core. Pressing RLS will restore to service in my case. Anyone with the solution?
Thanks for the post senk1s. I am having the same problem. Maybe Nortel is telling us they are Number 1. j/p
Would it be possible for me to get a copy of that Software release note 26? I need some back up to get a supplier to swap out an early bugged XC6.1. Thanks in Advance
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