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We fear change 1

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Jul 24, 2000
I am currently employed by an association for which, primarily, older women work. And, we are in the process of migrating from Banyan Vines to Windows/Exchange 2000.

Throughout the entire project I have been met with nothing but resistance. And, the most common comment is, "Why do we have to change anything? It worked the way it was."

What are some strategies for overcoming the resistance to change and helping people to understand change is good.


I think this is a difficult idea no matter where you work... I have heard people complain about switching from Mainframe to Windows, etc. I think the best way is to point out the new features available.

I'm not familiar with Banyan Vines, but I do know a little bit about Exchange, and I work on a WIN2K computer. My personal experience, even as a programmer is that some changes can be very difficult at first. When I switched from 98 to 2000 I literally came home cursing 2K almost every day for at least a month - I consider myself a "power user" I have always enjoyed taking a few moments to go on-line and download updates and patches and new drivers to make things more fun and interesting and just plain work better... my second week with 2K I downloaded a driver and the helpdesk spent 3 days (That's 3 days of me with no computer at all) to undo the damage (eventually wiping the poor thing clean and starting from scratch)!

The story does have a happy ending... once I got used to it and stopped fighting it, I found that 2K is so much better. I'll be installing it at home soon as a dual boot... I now find it better and easier.

I am sorry for going on like that, but my point is... just try to show them the benefits of switching, acknowledge it may be difficult at first, but remind them that once they get used to it, the new way will make life and work much easier for them... BeckahC
The best way to help migrate change in users is to TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN!!!. Keep the users informed of the product. Help their transition be as easy as possible. Show the users before hand how simple the new product is, and exploit its features to show how it could be better. Find the users who may struggle and work on them a bit more. The more training and familiarity the users have with the product the less problems and resistance there will be. If you dont help your "customers" (other employees ARE your customers) they will resist as much as possible. Most of all if your going to change things, dont do it over night. You and the other employees are a TEAM. You must keep the team informed and trained. Overnight changes without training and knowlege WILL cause issues and resistance.

Make sence? James Collins
Field Service Engineer

email: butchrecon@skyenet.net

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Your best bet to remember is the fear and complaining is not based on anything tangible. You'll have to deal with it from that standpoint.

As older people, they probably fear they wnot know the new system as well.

Just reinforce that they'll do fine.

... and that they will be on a better system (you dont need to get technical, they wont understand anyway. Plus matter what evidence you present, they're gonns still complain).

I agree Kjonnnn, I have users who complain about things that nothing can be done about - It's just the way a particular program is supposed to work - but they insist there must be a way to save time, shortcutting through the correct procedure and complaining when it doesn't work. I tried explaining why things need to be done and they just said they didn't care it was a st*p*d way of doing things (never mind that it helps the system works better one way vs. another, keystrokes and such are it!). I simply tell them it is how it is and that is it. I did make sure that they are using the program correctly and they are, and they've stopped complaining and everything is ok now. It is change that they fear and the worry that they will do something wrong and/or mess something up. BeckahC
Training is a big issue within our organization. I am constantly budgeting for training, but it is the first thing cut from the budget because management cannot see any tangible, immediate result, from the expenditure.

I talked to our web designer this afternoon, and we are kicking around the idea of developing a bunch of "How Do I ...." pages for the intranet. Since everyone is pretty familiar with Internet Explorer and Netscape, so I don't think it will be too difficult for them to access the information.

Does this sound like a viable solution, or should we look at trying to get the information to the users in another way?

Thanks for all the input up to this point.

Getting pages like that and even more in-depth guides onto an Intranet is also one of my high priority goals for 2002. I think an intranet is the perfect delivery mechanism "at your convenience" training and also pre-help desk FAQs.

After you get the info out there, have your help desk respond "The solution is ..., this information is also on our Intranet, look here ... for details". Give them the quickie fix but make them look it up for complete info. This will gently train them to look there first.

For large changes, new application rollouts, etc. you still need a certain amount of structured, instructor led training to get them started. But filling in the gaps with an intranet is an excellent way to go.
I haven't lost my mind - I know it's backed up on tape somewhere ....
... and make sure they have access to the systems AS SOON as they are changed.

At one place I worked.... we gave each group access while they were in training. When they came back to their desks, they were ready to use the new system...

BUT, in another instance they trained people, but the users didnt get access to the system til months later. Just can imagine who had the hardest time.
I don't intend this to sound like a commercial, but I have got to recommend online tutorial software for training. I have found my users will not read manuals, but will use an online tutorial such as Viewlets.
I think there is another point to make. Resistance to change can be based on a number of factors. Yes, fear of the unknown and fear of being unable to learn are factors but underlying is often that people have heard that the change is always for the better but then have had past experiences where change has resulted in worse situations. I've seen situations where staff have been called "resistant" when actually the problem was that the change was not well thought out and doomed. So, "why" the change is important to communicate (benefits, long term, etc.) so that people understand the reasoning and then what kind of supports/training will be offered. If there are keeners amongst your staff, see if they will act as mentors. Just a few thoughts.
My boss did share with me with one of his experience. He wanted to make changes, but the workers are reluctant to change. So, the tactic he used is make those who agree with the changes to use the new system first. Slowly, when those who reluctant to change can see the benefits of new system, they will follow the new system, don't even need you to force them to do so.
Just to share a story I got from my boss.
As soon as the emplyees here the word "training"...it has the same effect as "toothache". Training is horribly boring to everyone. It's being told..."Ok...You've mastered this program...Here's another one that basically does the same thing only differently." Ya All you can do is show the benefits of it...You're stuck.
I do some volunteer work supporting a local non profit on the side, and there's a similar resistance to change. There's two things I do that help.

1) Listen.
Often the staff just has an "irrational fear of change", and hearing that, validating it (no it doesn't make sense to me, but it must to them), and offering support, "I will be here to help you overcome this", gets them through it.

Sometimes this in not enough and I add in,
2) Shock
Example: we recently replaced the server. There was much apprehension about even touching the old system; but after I explained that what I really wanted to do eventually was rip out server all together, take all the applications off their PCs and move all their data onto a unix server out on the internet (include financials) and interface it via a web based ASP; moving the files from an NT4 machine to W2K didn't seem that drastic.

(I really do want to move them to a linux based ASP, they just aren't ready yet.)
I've found that they resist almost everything! Until you find out what the fears are and walk them through them a few times. Of course there are those who profess to always be too busy to spend a few moments and would prefer to always call you in a panic, and those who don't care what you change as long as it looks and acts just like their old one.... But, IT changes are met with no more or less resistance than any other procedure or process is met with and I've decided that I can't control the world, only my responses. So some days I take baby steps and some days leaps and of course the never ending circles and just keep smiling and always leave the building before you scream. :)
"...and always leave the building before you scream..."

outoftime, I second that emotion!! I just moved a major application to a new server, the change should've been translucent to mst people, but it turns out that some actually had had shortcuts placed on their desktop for them, so they would not need to go through the extra step of opening IE and clicking on the intranet link to the program.... well, almost a week later and I am still getting calls about not being able to get into the program. Even with a message sent out Globally entitled "Do NOT use Shortcut for (prgram name here), Please!!!" and a high importance.

Some people are just creatures of habit, I guess... :) BeckahC
Heh... Tell me about it. I just transferred from a multi-billion $$/year company to a small business that they outsource projects to. My old company still uses primarily (except a few specialized departments) PC-133 Mhz computers running Win95/98. My old boss just upgraded his computer to Win98 a few weeks ago. In the building I was in, I had 2 of the fastest computers (besides the 2 SGI boxes that the guy doing 3D modeling/animation had)... 2 133 Mhz computers with 17" monitors, 6GB HDs, Soundblaster cards, 128MB RAM, and 4x SCSI CD burners... And I had to use Photoshop, Premiere, and MS Access to do a lot of my work...

Now I'm at this new company working with a 833 w/ video card, 512MB RAM, 21+" monitor... and still developing multimedia applications to target 133Mhz PCs with Win95 and 32 MB RAM...

And the worst part about it is that the old company's managers complain when one of our programs takes more than a couple seconds to load on their machines...

Last week, we got a new client... Makes me SO very Happy! =^)

Oh man, I thought I had it slow with a 400! I have never had a non-second hand computer (except when it was 3rd or 4th) We're in the process of a company-wide upgrade and standardization to XP Pro... needless to say that they are going to have to do something about the systems when they go to try to upgrade or fresh install the ones still running 95 with only 32mb of memory! BeckahC
Give them the "WOW!!!" factor. Show them something they can do now better/faster/easier with what they are getting than with what they had. Show them that you are thinking of their needs/wants/desires.
I've always found it helps to get "early buy-in". Involve people as early on as possible, ask their opinions, what they don't like about the old system, etc. This helps them to feel part of the process rather than just being victims who have a new system thrust upon them, especially if the old system was introduced without their input.

You have to remember also that people may associate getting a new system with job-cuts!

Yeah, if you get the users to realise that it's their system. When we introduced a new app we ran a contest to give it a name and the winner got a cash prize, etc. It worked out well.

But if the users feel that they are shaping the system based on what they want, etc they will be less resistant to it.

Now, what do you do when it's fellow developers who are resisting the change - that's a good one!!
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