I just came across someone using the phrase:
Once and awhile
So I started Googling to see how far this phenomenon extends:
"Once and awhile" - 38,000 hits
"Once and a while" - 127,000 hits
"Once in a while" - 2,890,000 hits
"Once in awhile" - 859,000 hits
The logic certainly dictates that it is not "and".
But of the variations of "a while" and "awhile" Merriam-Webster claims "awhile" a misuse (much like "alot", however Merriam won't even acknowledge "alot").
Now that I've seen it as both "awhile" and "a while" I cannot discern which it is that I would have used if I were to have written this beofre looking it up.
Once and awhile
So I started Googling to see how far this phenomenon extends:
"Once and awhile" - 38,000 hits
"Once and a while" - 127,000 hits
"Once in a while" - 2,890,000 hits
"Once in awhile" - 859,000 hits
The logic certainly dictates that it is not "and".
But of the variations of "a while" and "awhile" Merriam-Webster claims "awhile" a misuse (much like "alot", however Merriam won't even acknowledge "alot").
Now that I've seen it as both "awhile" and "a while" I cannot discern which it is that I would have used if I were to have written this beofre looking it up.