This web site has some really great info which seems to me to mean someone really skilled IT types. So...I thought I would through my situation out there to see what those willing to comment think...
I want to change careers. I currently work in banking and unless I get a lot better at playing politics, I'm pretty much done advancing. Toping out at the $30-$40 grand range doesn't cut it with a wife and two kids to support.
I've had some involvment with Access database application design. I've really enjoyed working with Access. There is always something new (or just better) to learn and I've really liked learning VBA. I like it alot better than any other aspect of my job (mostly paper pushing)
I have a BS in electrical engineering, but no experience (long story) so I decided to go to a techincal college to try and learn a little something about current technology and programming since I'm not going to get it at my current job. I've decided to go into the web development cirriculum.
So I figure I'll try to learn as much about C++ and Visual Basic as you can in a academic setting, but other than that I'm not sure what to do. Learn Java? SQL? HTML?
So I guess what I'm asking is:
Does this plan sound silly and naive to the veterans out there. If not, any comments on how to refine it a bit?
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings...
I want to change careers. I currently work in banking and unless I get a lot better at playing politics, I'm pretty much done advancing. Toping out at the $30-$40 grand range doesn't cut it with a wife and two kids to support.
I've had some involvment with Access database application design. I've really enjoyed working with Access. There is always something new (or just better) to learn and I've really liked learning VBA. I like it alot better than any other aspect of my job (mostly paper pushing)
I have a BS in electrical engineering, but no experience (long story) so I decided to go to a techincal college to try and learn a little something about current technology and programming since I'm not going to get it at my current job. I've decided to go into the web development cirriculum.
So I figure I'll try to learn as much about C++ and Visual Basic as you can in a academic setting, but other than that I'm not sure what to do. Learn Java? SQL? HTML?
So I guess what I'm asking is:
Does this plan sound silly and naive to the veterans out there. If not, any comments on how to refine it a bit?
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings...