We have an Argent Office 8 phone switch and are trying to find a copy of Voice Mail Pro to use with it, but non of our known vendors seem to have it. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Ip office VM pro Is available & still beeing developed, the disk is easily afailable bt it does require a licence key o activate
If you vendos are unable to assist I sugets you try a major maintainer
I work for Sterry Communications IN tech support We would be more than willing to assist & supply this product tel 0800884884 for sales
The Network Alchemy was replaced by the IP Office last year. AVAYA will support this product range but any development work will be for the IP Office. If you are unable to live with a "feature" on your system, I suggest upgrading to the latest version. Please note, does your maintenance contract covers free upgrade?
I believe rich69 is refering to the Network Alchemy version of the voicemail pro. If your ArgentOffice firmware is on 2.1 then the latest VMP build is 22. If on the other hand your firmware is on v2.2 then the latest build is 8. There maybe others. These used to be freely available on the network alchemy website.
AVAYA will recommend that you do NOT mix and match different versions of firmware and software. Hence IP Office version of Voicemail Pro is not a good idea for rich69. Has anyone tried this combination? If so please share the results.
I think Routermad is correct, it probably is the Network Alchemy one but as to which firmware we have is anyones guess. We dont have maintenance on it, but it's about 5 years old as far as I know.
Further to IPguru's comments, I don't mind if it's not through official channels and a CD would be nice if available. But how big is it? The days of 10MB worth of data on CDs are rapidly diminishing with the advent of broadband. A download would suit me fine.
Anyhow thanks to you all for your comments so far.
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