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Virtual Server Edition Secondary Server Licence

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May 8, 2018
I just finished (so I thought)setting up a Virtual Server Edition system and installed the licenses. Since it was a first for me to setup a secondary server I was a bit confused on if the host name of the secondary server should be the same as the primary? I changed the name of the secondary server and then later noticed the secondary server in license grace period mode. The primary Server shows all valid licenses.

I'm thinking I need to regenerate the PLDS license for the primary server. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
If your licenses are valid on the Primary there is no need to regenerate them.
Go to License in the configuration of the Secondary Server. Choose Remote Server tab. Change from WebLM to Local/Primary Server and enter the address of the Primary Server.
Save and reopen your config. Your licenses should now show.


If vegetarians love animals so much, why are they eating all of their food?
It's hard to think of any computer networking scenario, since that is what much telephony is these days, where giving two devices on the same network the same hostname is not going to cause problems - nope - none - it will always be a problem*.

Set the secondary back to a unique hostname and reboot. Then also reboot the primary and hope the two start talking nicely again by which I mean sharing licenses (the license service very probably keeps track of licenses it has issued by hostname is currently confused as to why its asking itself for licenses it has already issued to itself (or something equally silly like that)).

*I'll whine on because its been a long long day. Back in the day of early Windows networking, each computer would politely broadcast to the network the hostname it wanted to use. And of course malicious pranksters quickly created viruses that would respond 'no, that name is taken' to ever suggested name.

Stuck in a never ending cycle of file copying.
Thanks I think there might be a problem with routing because the voip trunks are all out of service. Although I can ping both servers I can't ping them through system status on either server.
You should see both systems in manager
You connect to the primary solution
The correct Primary server IP is set correctly in licensing. I do see both systems under manager solutions But I believe those Voip ports need to be in service so the server can see those licenses correct me if I'm wrong. Also each system should be able to ping each other. I have the customer checking the routing between servers.
Thanks all customer fixed routing and now the voip trunks are up and the virtual license is active along with the unique host name.
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