I keep getting this error on some of my groups in WEBI...
Automation exception BusinessObjects server process raised an automation exception. (Error: BOMGR 0060) IDispatch error #109 Cannot find the 'TSTDAILY' universe that uses the 'TEST' connection. (DA0012): [] The following data providers have not been successfully refreshed: Current Month. (DMA0007): [] (
(returned by function Refreshing Document) )
and when I go into Superviser and test the connection for the Universe everything is fine. The report was written in Full Client and most of the groups can refresh it. Any ideas?
Automation exception BusinessObjects server process raised an automation exception. (Error: BOMGR 0060) IDispatch error #109 Cannot find the 'TSTDAILY' universe that uses the 'TEST' connection. (DA0012): [] The following data providers have not been successfully refreshed: Current Month. (DMA0007): [] (
(returned by function Refreshing Document) )
and when I go into Superviser and test the connection for the Universe everything is fine. The report was written in Full Client and most of the groups can refresh it. Any ideas?