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Tuning ArcServe 2000 for Window 2000

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Apr 4, 2002
We have six Windows 2000 servers with 135 GB of data to backup. The servers are typically around 400 Mhz,dual processors, 10K-15K scsi raid 5 disk, with 1GB of RAM. The tape drive is an Ultrium. We are running Open file agents, SQL agents and exchange agents on an 10/100 backbone.

The good news is that when we backup a local SQL DB file the backup flies (throughput is over 1,600 MB/Min!).

The bad news is that this accounts for only 4GB of the 135GB to backup. The entire backup throughput is about 100 MB/Mins so it takes the job takes forever to complete.

The size of the server (RAM, disk or CPU) seems to have little impact on the speed of the backup. The local drives are backed up at about 200 MB/Min while remotes throughput is usually less than 100 MB/Min. We have experimented with different NIC cards and settings (full/half,auto...) to little avail. Turning off the anti-virus software did help, but we are still slow. We have not done any registry hacks.

I was really hoping to get the entire system throughput over 200 MB/min. Is this unrealistic?

Unfortuneately backup speed depends greatly on the type of data being backed up. Exchange brick level is probably slowest but I have experimented with all sorts and the best solution is to get another drive for one of the other servers. On the subject of Network cards it makes sense to use teamed adaptors or gigabit, as thes are relatively low cost. It may help the speed a smallamount but it won't solve the problem.
Think yourself lucky to have the budget for an Ultrium drive! I have to back up 11 servers and 250GB on to 3 DLTs and an AIT2 autoloader.
Hope that helps.
John, IT Manager
Try turning off any running antivirus programs during the backup period, this upped our performance for 45MB/min to 550/min.

We were using NetShield scanning all extensions. To stop it I scripted a NET STOP MCSHIELD on each of the servers.

Hope this helps?
I had a server with about 200,000 small files that was taking 5 1/2 hours to backup. It took forever, but I finally got SP3 working and the backup now takes 22 minutes. It hurt to lose the database (uninstalled SP2 ARCserve and installed base then SP3) but the speed increase is well worth it. Make sure you have the clients upgraded to their SP3 level as well.
Thanks for everyone's help. Turning off the AntiVirus software improved performance by about 10%. Updating to SP3 helped an additional 20%. I was really hoping for the magic solution that would result in a 100% improvement, but I will take anything I can get.

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