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trouble installing 2000

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Jan 23, 2002
OK, what am I doing wrong? I've created the 4 startup disks. I load all 4 discs and it copies the winnt folder to the HD. I can see it when I navigate around using an old boot disk to see if it was at least accessible. The error I get occurs when the machine restarts for the first time. It says, " A disk read error occurred" Press ctrl-a-del to restart" I have tried different booting sequences in the BIOS. I've also tried Fat and NTFS. The drive is master and it's on the same IDE as a cdrom which is slave. I put the drive on another machine, and it went so far as to get to the windows splash screen and then gave me a stop error code. I've done a scandisk and checked for viruses. This is a Pentium 233 with a 40 gig drive. Thanks for any help and feel free to ask any questions that you might have.
try putting your cd on ide2 as master.your stop error might be because it didn't fully install ?

hope this helps
Are you sure the CD is ok? Matt Wray

I have to go with the CD-ROM reader being either faulty, or the CD disk is dirty/scratched, or something like that. The "read" error comes from the installer's inability to read from the setup folder it creates on the hard drive.
Try this:

1.) Grab a Win98 startup disk, and copy xcopy32, xcopy32.mod, and smartdrv.exe, to the floppy. (These files can be found in the "c:\windows\command" directory", smartdrv, is in "c:\windows")
2.) Boot the machine with a Win98 boot disk, (assuming the c drive is FAT32, or FAT16), and choose to enable CD-ROM support.
3.) At the command prompt, type: "smartdrv 8092 8092", without the quotes, and hit enter.
4.) Make a directory on the c drive called "i386" for instance.
5.) Copy the contents of the "i386" folder on the Windows 2000 CD, to the i386 folder on the c drive, by issueing the following command:

xcopy32 d:\i386 c:\i386 /s /e

where "d:" is the letter of your CD-ROM drive.

6.) Once the files have copied, (there are quite a few!), run "winnt.exe /b" from the c:\i386 folder. Not only will it take less time, (hard drives are still a bit faster than CD-ROMS!), it will also ensure that the source, and target files are read, and written with the same device, your hard disk.

Not a perfect plan perhaps, but it will narrow down the variables, and at best, you'll get 2000 installed!

(You can delete the i386 folder after a successful setup)

Let Me Know!
Father, Geek, and MCP
I have got the same problem, except I am using XP porfessional...... strange.
Please folloe the microsoft article #Q222996,"Disk Read Error Occurred" When Converting Boot Drive to NTFS
Change your HDD type to AUTO in CMOS,This should work.Jay this will resolve your issue with XP PRo
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