Glad to help with anything specific that may come up. Most of what I have learned I picked-up from someone else or stumbled across after many hours of frustration. That is what makes these forums so useful.
The points 1,2,3 can be done using st04.
4. After killing the session the user is logged out.
5. I thinf you'll have to set up an appropriate profile to do this using pfcg.
I get these mixed up also. To many T-Codes.
Isn't Basis fun??
ST04 is for the database performance.
SM04 is for the User List.
If you have Application Server SM04 is on for the server
you are logged into.
To display all users you can use smlg and select Users from the GOTO menu. But you have to use SM04 to kill their sessions.
I am back with more problems, I am installing SAP for the first time and I get this message "DBRESETDATABASE_nt_ORA SvrmgrDoDummy 2 728 Return from DB: 3113". I am staringstaring at this msg from last 4 hours. Can you please tell me if this is normal or if there is any problem in the same.
Why do we need two software components-ABAP processor and screen there any specific advantage by having 2 instead of one??There can only be one doing both jobs.
if you double click on the field value in SU01 --> profiles, it will tell you what table and what field your cursor is on. then you can go into the ABAP dictionary, display the table, and under utilities, there is a display table values., then system --> list --> save check spreadsheet, and save it to a local drive...
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