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Time of day forwarding?

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Apr 20, 2006
Have another request for forwarding a single number based on time of day to external numbers.

Like so:

9AM - 5PM - Forward to number 1
5PM - 1AM - Forward to number 2
1AM - 9AM - Forward to number 3

I am having a problem with the second one and Time Period. It won't let me set 5PM - 1AM as it says "the field time end time can not have a less time then the field start time." If that is the case how can I accomplish this schedule?
Since it covers two separate days you need to create two time periods for it and have them do the same thing. So one for 5-12 and one for 12:01-1
Just what I needed. Thanks whykap.

If I wanted this to be 24/7 for eternity what do I specify for the "Repeat Every"?

If it was the same everyday what's the reason for a time of day set up? I don't think I understand your question
Because it forwards to different numbers based on the time of day, hence the need for the different periods. I want this to forward indefinitely and I am confused as to whether I have to specify the repeat or not.

Having said that, I believe I will need 3 separate partitions to accomplish this? I can then use a single DN and assign it to the respective partitions and forward that DN to the external number based on the time? At the end of the day I want a single DID forwarded to 3 separate external numbers based on the time pattern and hopefully I am going about this the right way.

I created 3 partitions, assigned the TODs and configured a DN to forward to my cell phone. If I use our default partition the call is forwarded fine. If I select one of the TOD partitions I created it won't work and I get "your call cannot be completed as dialed." I tried adding the new partition to the corresponding CSS but it still gives me that same error. Any ideas?
The partitions don't work until their tod kicks in. So if you are messing with a DN in tod partition of 5-7pm and its 8pm that partition is inactive.
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