No that is what is strange there are no other data providers. What is more interesting is that it doesn't happen in every Universe. Just this one universe. It is certainly a mystery.
You can see the query as it currently is, it has totals on the bottom for example, $2,000, in one section. When you hit refresh it ends up $4,000. All of the totalas do this.
It does it in every query in this one universe? We did just upgrade BO but it did this in the old one as well. 2.0 universe and 3.0 universe
You just upgraded to Version 4.1.7? That's been obsolete for almost 5 years.
What about the rest of the data, is it doubled also? If I had to guess, you have a fan trap or a join that is wrong in the universe. BO doesn't generate wrong SQL.
As an update: I ran the query in three different universes and it doubles everything in all. I ran it on different machinces and it doubles everyting on each also.
A Fan Trap is a one - many - many relationship. This would happen if you are using a Summary and a Detail table in one query. Fan Traps can cause numbers to multiply. Business Objects resolves this transparently by using 2 queries. It is resolved automatically as long as the measure objects have aggregrate functions (query will split in 2).
[blue]Software code, like laws and sausages, should never be examined in production[/blue][black] - [/black][purple]Edward Tenner[/purple]
The only reason I can see wiuld be that the clients have their own version of the univers, and a join is missing, and that the y are clicking RUN and not refresh, thus regenerating the SQL.
I suggest that you extract the SQL from your original query and compare it with that on a client machine, paying particular attention to the 'where' clauses.
If you do not take precautions (see multiple paths on universe parameters) you may end up with a query that generates incorrect output. As DBomrrsm indicates this may be the case with your universe structure.
On the other hand, this could be a BO hickup. Did you perform a test with the generated SQL output when you run the query within a SQL-tool?
We found the issue. Fixed it and it works. In the AS400 Security Codes. The users who experienced duplicate numbers had security codes under their user name in two companies. Once we deleted all profiles and security codes and redid just one everything worked.
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