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The Internet in five years 1

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Dec 28, 2000
Here is something I have not seen talked about yet.

where will the internet be in five years? How will we get to it? What will it be? So long and thanks for all the fish.
Well that depends on who you listen to. If you listen to M$ the internet is the OS of the future. That is what thier .Net strategy is about. The OS and/OR other MS software would be located at MS. You would access the applications over the web via high speed data tranfer. This is their new liscensing process. Instaed of installing the application on the local system you would "lease" the application for use from MS over the internet. (Did I get that right?)

I dont think the internet is going to go any where for a long time. There is just too much info to get from it. James Collins
Systems Support Engineer

email: butchrecon@skyenet.net

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That idea proposed by microsoft is a bit worrying. I would be surprised if the general public accepted yet another MS monopoly without some resistance, although there is always a constant stream of first-time computer users who would be persuaded to subscribe to this idea. This proposal not withstanding, I don't think we will see any radical changes to the internet over the next 5 years, rather a constant increase in the usage, regarding both sites and surfing. Better quality and greater quantity of multi-media sites is certain as telephone companies roll out broadband access, although this is progressing at a painfully slow rate here in the U.K.
I believe broadband will have to become the rule rather than the exception before the internet can fully mature. My suggestions are what I would try myself. If incorrect, I welcome corrections to my rather limited knowledge. Andy.
its going to be a long time before people can afford broadband and probably a lot longer before we even get it in my country. we still don't have a motorway from one end of the country to the other :-(
is an interesting site about where the US university research effort is going with the internet. They also have partnerships with similar organizations in many other countries. The site includes links to these sites so you may be able to find your countries site.
It's already happening, in the future you will see the internet controlled by fewer and fewer large corporations. This will most likely result in a reduction of the exchange free, quality information that we see today. Likely more sites will require registration fees, and the bombardment of pop-up adds will only increase.
Most likely the internet will go the way of radio or tv. The more interesting, and nich oriented stuff will give way to a large saturation of commercial content marketed to the lowest common denominator.

. . . But hopefully i'm wrong.
Two interesting articles in the latest ComputerTracker free local magazine here in Vancouver - and

I've never been a M$ basher before. I've always felt that Gates was the right guy at the right spot at the right time back in '78. He's a brilliant theoretician, mathematician, businessman, and problem-solver, and he's ruthless. Up till now, I don't think he's done anything evil, just smart and within the accepted business practises of his world. Now, after allowing him his head for twenty years, the marketplace is wanting to change the rules.

However, this .NET stuff and this XP stuff sounds like there's something going seriously south at Redmond. They seem to think that the court battles and decisions and reversals have authorized them to become exactly what they're accused of. They are getting more arrogant, proprietary, and exclusionary, not less. You'd think that they'd pull back a little. Instead they are using the software piracy crusade to blatantly lock their market share even deeper in their clutches.

SmartTags and other neat stuff in XP notwithstanding, I'm not going to buy the new OS and Office. It's way to fast a revision turnaround this time, with no real benefit except to M$'s coffers. There are other threads in this forum that talk specifically about XP and the general consensus, if for no other reason than the controversial activation scheme, is that we should all boycott the XP product releases. I think Microsoft may have gone too far this time.

Cheers, woggie
I don't know what will happen in the next five years with the internet somethings will change .Net is just one part

in the late 90's big bussness got online they started sell toast online the porblem was no one buying so we had the dotcom crash but bussness still see the need for being on line but under new rules now days more and more sites charge to get to them this is a big move from the free days

next in remember how we all were told that the internet made people free bescause you can't stop ideas well the were wrong more and more countrys are putting up fire walls like Austrialia and China to BLOCK what they don't want there people to see. Plus all the laws on the internet in some areas

And we all know about .net

So long and thanks for all the fish.
The Internet will increasingly be consumed by commercial and government uses. I believe that the inevitable increase of privacy and security crises and concerns that accompany this evolution will become even higher profile in the public eye. Increasing government investigation, then regulation and control will lead the Internet to evolve into a nationalized utility, unfortunately. This is the natural evolution of any entity that begins to take on the importance to national security and well-being that the Internet has and will.

If this happens as I fear, my only hope is that a new alternative and independent public internetwork of some kind will rise. If it does, I hope the wisdom of keeping it separate from the existing Internet will be seen, so it can be used for academic pursuits and the free exchange of information, as originally intended.
what i believe is that there will be 2 internets :
* the official one (www) as you describe it, owned and controlled by big companies and the government
* the un-official one, back to the old days, bbs, telnet, gophers ... maybe more ppp communications - all these for individuals and ideas - they can't be monitored and therefore that's where us free people are going to
please review FAQ183-874 - this will help you to get the best out of tt
[ "you" is not someone in particular - don't take it too personnal ]
The Information Hwy is obviously here to stay and is constantly growing with million more going wireless with web phones and laptops each year.
(Ready to adjust your homes' central air from your laptop ?)

With the World Wide Web forever exponentially expanding, it's come across a few experts minds that we will soon run out of IP address.

Yes those 32bit string of numbers that identify your computer,.....
the target of the information that has come hundreds or thousands of miles away to pinpoint down directly to YOUR computer.....
They are slowly run out of these points. Half of them are already assigned.....(and how old is the internet ?)

Engineers are trying to move everyone to a larger system...one with 128 bit numbers-- with enough addresses for every human being to connect millions of devices apiece -- but it's been slow going.

Along the Highway there is always rocks & potholes. We just have to repair the road a little. ;-)

Check this site out for more info.....

Shawn X-)
ip6 is here to solve this problem
we're already using it ;]]]]]]]]
proxy and classless adressing has moved the porblem to happen around 2005 and IPv6 will run backbone before then the IETF has thing in that way in good control. I think the probelm is people trying to tell the internet not to copy info when thats the point of it. The internet main funtion is to speard info to other people but now its becoming a home shopping network gunthnp
Have you ever woken up and realized you where not alive.
The Internet now provide easier life to people than ever. From now on, it still grow like that, such as last few years the internet have made the new opportunity in business, E-commerce, now in my opinion, Mobile commerce is another effect from the internet. The internet can go through any portable of technology, mobile phone, palm , pocket PC or notepad.
Perfect knowledge can happen by the internet. It provides information to us even we walk on the footpath.
Once again, I was wondering that .....What the Internet cannot do for us? Could you give me a bright?

"What the Internet cannot do for us?" thinking ! (also it can't cook and it can't hug and it can't sort infos and it can't laugh and it can't ask questions and ...)
you'd better ask what the internet can do : nothing but carrying what US people wrote
A society is tested to its success by if can tranfer what it learned to it youth (values and ideas)the internet can be good for this or bad because info on the net is not always ture or important so this cerates junk data making it hard to tranfer the good data to the next generation. gunthnp
Have you ever woken up and realized you where not alive.
Yep, the Internet can help me laugh. I definitely agree with that.

For last two years, I have heard that between China and Taiwan, many professional use the internet as a weapon to attack or hack to each other networks. The internet is a weapon!! what do you think? Can the Internet calm down the confliction in war such China and Taiwan?

come on the internet is nothing magical
it's not "the internet" that makes you augh but text that PEOPLE put on it
the internet's jsut a bunch of texts - more like a great library, but now there are the store at the entrance of the library trying to sell you their crap
and cyber war is just a pretext to get money from the government
what's the point if your company's page just changed ? ok it's annoying ok you MIGHT lose some clients (if you didn't react fast enough) but there's no actual harm ... and it sure won't solve any war !!!!!!!! **men** start wars, **men** make war, **men** stop wars.
iza sez> "what i believe is that there will be 2 internets :"

I was fantascizing along the same lines the other day and a government controlled internet for business, perhaps dominated by Yahoo and AOL.

"the un-official one, back to the old days, bbs, telnet, gophers ... maybe more ppp communications - all these for individuals and ideas - they can't be monitored and therefore that's where us free people are going to"
...and hopefully hyperfunctional in nature.

But...what about telco...they really have the potential to determine where internet is going as they control the physical path, the highway itself. Whether you have an official or un-official network it still has to go through telco. Why are they not making a big time play?


In not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
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