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The gap of professional and unprofessional knowledge 13

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Technical User
Sep 3, 2001
Hello everyone,
As the technology moving so fast, and most of the people that could have the access of this technology advantages are professional people. The more access to this technology, means that professional people could gain more knowledge more easily than unprofessional people. Therefore the gap of knowledge between professional and unprofessional people become bigger. Is anyone has a similar thought?
Learning it is doing it.

If you learn a lot, but you don't put it into practice, you'll think you're a proffesional, but really you're not!


M. BigMag, The Netherlands.
someone@euronet.nl (no kidding!)
Hi everyone,

I agree with you Iza that this circle will never end. However, It does changed from the past that the gap has becoming bigger and bigger. Therefore, what sort things do we need to do in order to narrow this gap? It is not a good phenomenon that the fast moving technology is not followed by the society ability to accept it. Therefore, people need to think to solve this problem before it is really too late.


it has changed from the past and it's getting bigger and bigger ??? wrong !!!! just think, 50 years ago, what the world looked like. Ask your parents. Ask your grand parents. No, people are MORE educated now that they were before ... way more !!

said it all quite elouquently... as did iza.

It seems to me that at the end of the day, taking a look at the forest rahter then the trees this can be said.From CEO's to Dobi Wallah's. At no point in time in the history of Western Civilization has homo-sapien been able to enjoy the standard of living and quality of life as found today.

WWTDD In not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
and that's why it's a shame that still a lot of people die from hunger, lack the minimal education, don't have a place to sleep safely .... well that's another story !!
just a line :
"Bill Gates could foot the cost for paying for basic education, health care and safe water supplies for the 4.4 billion people who lack basic sanitation and still be a billionaire ten times over afterwards." (from
Hello Iza,

How could you said that the world hasn't changed at all? From your own point of view and from the reference you gave ( says that "Since 1960 the countries where the richest 20% of the world's people live have increased their share of gross world product from 73% to 83%. These rich countries are now sixty times better off than those where the poorest 20% live" and also from your comment "it's a shame that still a lot of people die from hunger, lack the minimal education, don't have a place to sleep safely". All of those evidences are the outcome that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. The riches have more money to finance themself to be educated. Therefore from the education they gain, they will have more knowledge and access to information more easily by using the technology, particularly Internet. From the information they gained, it will later become knowledge for them. Knowledge can become power, which if used wrongly could harm many people life (I don't mean that rich people could harm poor people). The very important point is (as I pointed before) how could people immediately act to narrow this gap of knowledge that brings the social dilemma. This problem will continue and could become far more awful, unless there is something to solve it.

Sometimes is not good to be too fast, if you cannot manage it well. It could lead to other trouble. Therefore the development of technology should look at how society could adapt to it or vice versa. Should only the government and professional or rich people responsible for it? I don't think, we as the people in the world should responsible for it.


I think we are confusing the idea of a profession with being a professional.

Niv3k you really slammed me (and other mainframers) with your "learn an almost dead mainframe language, and some basic VB." I consider that unprofessional. LOL

A lady of the night, a doctor, a lawyer, a thief, that I consider a profession. :)I PhiloVance
Other hobbies, interests: Travel, Model RR (HO Gauge), Genealogy.
Philo, good call. This thread started out basically on the issue of the office professional vs. laborer.

However, if you really want to be picky, anyone who gets paid to do something can be considered to be a professional at that activity. Assume I won the lottery and decided to use the money to create a series of events around the country where admission was charged and TV contracts were set up so thousands of spectators could come and watch a group of spectators pick their noses. If I paid the participants, you could call those people "professional nose pickers". Big deal, that doesn't mean those people are educated or cultured. In it's most basic form, anyone who gets paid for something is a professional.

The original thrust of this thread was referring to a class of professional who has beter access to the Internet/knowledge and how that gap is widening.

As a side note, let those who think Cobol is dead continue to think so. It gets them out of the way of those who know better. In a few years there's going to be a LOT of money available for Cobol programmers since there won't be a lot of them and there is and will still be a LOT of Cobol code.

I haven't lost my mind - I know it's backed up on tape somewhere ....
since this thread was moved from labor vs. professionals the to professional group vs the world, remember what the 1st and most important piece of technolgy is the plow

when you are hungry and can't find clean water and food for your family what good is a computer?

before you can even think of an access to information problem you have to fix that access to porper living conditions porblem. gunthnp
Have you ever woken up and realized you where not alive.
jui, read again my posts, i said the worls IMPROVED - meaning it DID change
and read again all the articles, you have plenty of evidences that the richs becomes richer, but *none* that the poors become poorer (how could we have less than nothing !!)
and yes, gunthup is right, knowledge is nothing till you have to think of how you will eat and sleep
and philovance and masterracker, i love the way you prevent this thread from going totally mad :))
Hello again Iza,

I think there is an inconsistency, where you said the gap is not going to be bigger and bigger. If there are many evidences show that the riches become richer and lots of people die from hunger. It could mean the gap become bigger and bigger. In many countries, we can see that many poor people lost their job and worst, some of them die from hunger, disease, and etc.

I would like point it out about the profession and professional. Given two scenarios as shown below:
“You are a doctor. You graduated in the top ten per cent of your class and you’ve just completed your internship. You really know your stuff. You are now setting up private practice with a partner. Are you a professional? How do you know the answer to this?

Now let’s consider another scenario: You are a twenty year old high school graduate. You have just accepted a position as cashier for Taco Bell. When you are hired, your manager tells you she expects you to be professional in your new position. Are you a professional? How do you know?” (

I am wondering what each one of us is doing to bridge this gap, either for ourselves or to help others to bridge this gap.

Its easy to crib about a problem, a lot harder come up with a solution and implement it.

pivan In not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
I just wonder why we, and I make an assumption here, predominantly middle class folks are so concerned with bridging the gap you're talking about. I know I'm not being PC here and not making any friends but are we really concerned about the people who don't have homes or is it more that our 2000 square foot house just doesn't measure up to the 10,000 square footer on the hill? How many of us are out there teaching a man to fish, as it were?

Throughout history and, I would say, as a healthy, natural part of our world there has been disparity within the human race. The biggest caveman eats first and therefore stays the biggest until somebody walks up behind him with a spiked club and then that caveman eats first on down the line until some caveman develops a chip that does the gigaflop and retires to Jamaica. It's how it works.

maxg is right. In a perfect world, we'd be bored to tears. But it's not a perfect world, and we will continue to have rich and powerful, weak and poor, bleeding heart liberals who "just want to help", hard-nose conservatives to don't want their money touched, and buildings that blow up and unite us momentarily. We will all fight back "as one", celebrate, and then go right back to having class gaps, even in America. It always has been, and always will be.

sorry i wasn't much here last weeks
jui, i'm NOT saying the gap is decreasing, it IS increasing, but poors don't get poorers, and IN GENERAL, our life is better than our grandparent's used to be
pivan, max, i personnaly "teach" the internet to people who don't even know what a computer could look like (i let them use a computer/connection and help them to get what they want from the computer), or i helped people living in a country where there's a high censorship on connection going "anonymously" on he net, so that they can see censored informations ... this isn't much, but as nick and max say, this isn't our role ... our only power actually is to vote for the right people, those who will fight to reduce inegality if we feel that's the biggest issue.

I myself have gotten the elderly in Appalachia connected to the internet and shown them the information they can find there. Know what I found? They don't much care. A little background: my thesis was a Marxist reading of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I know all about the argument for equality and used to stand on my coffee table and thump my thumb-worn copy of the Manifesto. A few years of reality exterior to the institution have taught me some new things. We are not equal. You're smarter; I'm better looking; the woman over there is faster; that man is the most hip. Personally, I prefer it this way; life would be boring if we all made the same cup of coffee: I prefer Kenya AA to Columbian but I drink Chase&Sanborn.
Know doubt about it, maxg is correct in his assesment, at least IMHO. The elderly in Appalachie...ok..a little extreme but I understand your point. Its ones own perogative as to how he/she/it addresses social issues.

Way to go iza, it sounds like you understand and are living the point that I was trying to make. You are actually getting out and doing something about it. Talking the talk and walking the walk Rather then cribbing. I wish I could say the same for my self.

pivan If not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
well, just like max noticed, people were not THAT interested in it (mostly ... because they don't speak english ! - but still, i found web sites in native languages, but even then, people got bored quite fast - i guess that beeing sat on a chair, reading, can be quite boring for someone who is not used to it, or doesn't like it anyway, would it be a book, a magazine, or the internet...) (but it makes me hope that some people could come to reading books by using the internet - i'm a dreamer and i wish everybody could read and enjoyed it :-/ , but as max, life taught me it just can't happen)

oh and max, this is for you (and be happy it's not in french, as i haven't read it in spanish nor english yet !) ---> Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice. <--- sorry everyone, offtopic, but i love Gabriel Garcia Marquez's writings, and i'm so happy someone even just cite him/his name in a tek forum .... (ok i did manage to cite marx's nephew in another thread here ;]])

culture seems to be even a deeper gap than technology - fewer and fewer people, even in rich countries, are SO poor culturally speaking ....
Culture...after NASCAR, World Wrestling Federation, and a six pack of beer what else is there. If not now, when?
If not here, where?
If not us, who?

Just do it!!
Now we're totally off the subject but in answer to your question: Beethoven's 'Pastoral', anything by Eugene Ionesco, John Coltrane w/Thelonious Monk and a six pack of beer.
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