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TekTips site redesign? 26


Aug 29, 2022
What does everyone think about the TT redesign?
The only thing I like about the new TT is that I can now post replies, start threads, etc. The old TT blocked me from doing any of those things for years. On the old TT I could read, give stars, and do everything else except reply & make new threads.

Everything is now harder and/or impossible, although some of that will change over time. That is what happens every time things are started over from scratch. Too bad that the old TT could not be salvaged since it ran great and was apparently bug free for decades.

A major downside for me is that this new TT only works on two of my eight computers, so unless I am on this computer (Mac) or my laptop at home (Mac), this site is inaccessible.
Lost my thread archive.
FAQ's are still being searched for.
I have been linked into forums with notifications that I had never before followed.

I do not like the new format and the execution of the transition strikes me as poorly done and even less well managed.

Frankly, my visits since the change have been more out of habit than out of interest and so I see myself getting ready to break what has sadly become a now bad habit.
I am not a fan either. But I am also old and never too fond of change. It is harder to follow multiple groups with out a lot of surfing. So some groups I probably won't be following any more. Been here probably close to 20 years. But it is what it is. Get used to it or get off it.
The new forum would explain why I all of a sudden started to get notifications for new threads in a watched group... I signed up for that a long time ago and it never worked... so to speak to the "if it ain't broke don't fix it comment" there were broken aspects. Also I'm very surprised to see tech's complain at a system being upgraded to stay current.
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Then again I'm active in IT, I like to see change and new stuff... and I see a lot of "Vendor" responses and the Vendor I worked with to get my Avaya phone system was all about the "old school" 9508 digital phones...
Then again I'm active in IT, I like to see change and new stuff... and I see a lot of "Vendor" responses and the Vendor I worked with to get my Avaya phone system was all about the "old school" 9508 digital phones...
Telecom itself as an industry is generally old school, with most of the conventions and terminology going back prior to the 1930s.

Until very recently the "move fast, break things, new is better" mindset hadn't been widely adopted within the industry. PBX platforms were introduced with the expectation of a 30+ year long life cycle with new technologies added as a bolt-on accessory where beneficial but older technology never obsoleted. Nortel, for example referred to this as the "Evergreen Philosophy".

Your vendor wasn't crazy, there's a lot to be said for sticking with digital phones in situations where the small number of advantages of IP endpoints aren't a factor. Cheaper and far fewer technological dependencies required to get a dial tone and make a call which is after all the point of having telephones.
was apparently bug free for decades.

No, it wasn't. It was constantly maintained and developed in the background, including bug fixes, right up to (and a little after) engineering.com's acquisition of Tecumseh Group (and thus tek-tips and eng-tips) in 2015. The new owners then lost the one programmer that properly understood the .tips platform, and moved to doing the bare minimum to keep the sites running (and even at one point wanted both tek-tips and eng-tips to move to their preferred platform, ProjectsBoards, which was strongly rejected by both the tek-tips and eng-tips communities). There was a brief, recent attempt at changing the search engine, which they fairly quickly reverted.
not a fan, still trying to figure out where the IP Office forum is when the other TT it was on the main page and I could see only that forums threads.
The new forum would explain why I all of a sudden started to get notifications for new threads in a watched group... I signed up for that a long time ago and it never worked... so to speak to the "if it ain't broke don't fix it comment" there were broken aspects. Also I'm very surprised to see tech's complain at a system being upgraded to stay current.
I went on holiday as the site updated and I've come back to 100 notification emails...

So I guess it's good some things have been fixed!
not a fan - wont be back here as often as i used to be........

Interface is ok , new stuff is ok , hate the way teh forums are organises - cant work out hwo to make just the ones i want to look at be listed as they used to be.
And now im having to set any email notifications as spam because im sick of wating time trying to work, out why im recieveing emails from posts that yes i may have looked at once but never added to or followed .

instead of being the easiest way to gather industry assistance on mostly mitel related information , its now a PITA to use .
Ahh…..so you click on forums…then watched…it brings up the list of forums I use to watch.

From there you can add or change the list.

Thanks Easter
I think it signed me up for notifications on all the groups that I had ever visited so I had to go in and turn most of them off.

Last time I checked the forum list is not A-Z which is a pain.
It is way to large to see a lot at a glance.
Watched forums takes up so much more room than the old bookmarked forums.

FAQ's are over multiple pages and to find what you want you can't simply search for a word as you have to do that on all pages one by one until you find it.

I hate it and have not been here a lot any more. It is to much work to help others now because to find them has gotten so hard. :cry:
I lost some FAQs that I wrote in the shuffle too as well as some I used to refer to that were there. Most of the ones there are over a decade old and useless.
I really don't like it.
For example, I do Avaya IP Office...
Where is it in the list ?
Why isn't the list alphabetically sorted ?
I highlighted all Avaya products...

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