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Technical Phone Interview 18

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Oct 2, 2003
I'll be having a phone interview in a few days for a programming position I applied for. I was told by the person I set up the interview time with (not the person I'm interviewing with) that it would be about an hour long and would be "technical", involving algorithms, etc. It sounds to me like it won't be too language-specific, but instead will go over some programming basics. I have a BS in computer science where most of what we learned was related to programming, but that was a few years ago and I'm looking to refresh my memory. Can anyone tell me some good sites that deal with algorithms, etc.? I'm guessing I'll need to know sorting algorithms (quick sort, bubble sort, and such), binary search trees, and recursion but I also wanted to get your input on what else I may want to review.

And since I've never had this type of interview, any other advice would also be greatly appreciated.

Don't be afraid.

If your programming skills are strong, you may not need to know algorithm names, just the approach you would take to solve a given business or technical requirement.

The technical interview will either be a chance for you to shine or a chance for your interviewer to show their lack of self-confidence by asking overly-detailed questions about DOS 3.3 and LIM (yes, I have the teeshirt from that one).

Assume that you will have a few minutes to describe your areas of expertise. why not write them down. Make a couple "elevator speech" style answers just in case...

Look up the requirements in the job posting you applied for and search via Yahoo, Google, and Excite... you can refresh your knowledge very quickly that way.

Also, take notes on the questions you are asked. It will tell you about the work environment. It will help you decide whether you want to be there.

Have Certs, Will Travel
"A knight without armour in a [cyber] land."

One other note, have a headset for the interview. An hour can be a long time to hold a phone to your ear. It will also keep your hands free for anything else that you might want to do (for writing, calculating, looking something up, etc.). Being comfortable will allow you to focus on the questions.

Don't try to BS your way through any answers. I've done quite a bit of interviewing of contractors. One of my biggest turn-offs during an interview is when an interviewee tries to guess at the answer when they obviously have no clue. I would rather they be honest and say either, "I don't have knowledge in that area.", or "I've worked in that area, but don't have an answer to that specific question.". It shows you have a healthy enough ego to admit when you don't know the answer. It's even better if you can reference where you would find the answer to the question.

Pain is stress leaving the body.

DoubleD [bigcheeks]
And if you don't know an answer, then follow up with something explaining what you would do to get the answer. Search the internet, find a book, whatever. Show that you are willing to go search for the knowledge.

Thanks for the great advice so far!

I'll definitely follow zemp's advice on using a headset as I have problems holding a phone to my ear for even 10 minutes. I gave them my cell phone number because my home phone isn't the best and I have a headset for my cell.

As jtb said, I'm sure my programming skills would be sufficient for me to do good in this interview, but I would still like to find a good site to review some basics... just to be sure. So I'm still looking for suggestions on any good web sites. I'm also regretting selling my college textbooks as they'd be the best for reviewing.

Looking back I wish I would have kept all of my graduate school textbootks: Curriculem Development; Educational Research; Behavioral Characteristics; Intro to Counseling; and Counseling Skills. Though it was graduate degree in education, I think at times of going back into that field or going into curriculum development/course designer for a corporation.

Plus in a work environment some of the books - especially dealing with behavior - would be helpful as references.
Make sure there are no distractions (TV, radio, pets, etc).
Be as professional as possible - for example, don't conduct the interview in your pj's, even though you could. Your attitude will carry over in your voice. And be extra-aware of your speech - avoid excessive "uhmmmm's" and slang ("I've used XYZ software, for, like, 3 years"). Not only are you being judged on your knowledge, you will also be judged on your professionalism. And since this is a telephone interview, your speech is the only thing that your professionalism (or lack thereof) will be judged upon.

Gramen artificiosum odi.
A technical interview by phone -- I was nervous for my first one, but as mentioned by JTB, it can even inadvertantly show inadequacies of the technical reviewer. (Ouch! I didn't meant it).

Have a powerful PC or two in front of you so you can search the web quickly on terms. Sometimes you will know the subject matter but get baffled on terminology -- you say spanner and I say wrench type of thing.

Be thoughtful, take your time and speak clearly.

Hands-free phone is a definite, but make sure you have a clear connection. (Hands-free can be grabled because of the half duplex thing if you have back ground noises.)

Have a glass of water (or coffee or tea) to wet the vocal chords, but dont drink too much ;-)

Good luck
Again, thanks for the great tips.

willir, you don't think the interviewer would mind if he/she hears keystrokes in the background while I'm trying to answer a question?

You could download an mp3 of beach noises or something and play it on a loop in the background ;)

[sub]01000111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01000011 01101111 01100110 01100110 01100101 01100101 00111111[/sub]
The never-completed website:
Running Google while in an interview.... Hmmmm.

In a way, it's sort of like "Phone a friend" from "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". ;-)

Seriously, I would ask permission if they ask you a real stumper: "Gee, I don't know that one, but I can Google for it if you like."

Chip H.

If you want to get the best response to a question, please read FAQ222-2244 first
philote / Chip

I agree with both your comments. But to play the devil's advocate...

- There are quiet keyboards
- Whemn you are working on a project, the customer is interesed in solutions rather than where you got the answers from. Being resourceful in searching for answers is a good skill. The question is - Is the technical phone interview more like a closed book or an open book exam?

Regardless, your smarts and know-how are going to more important and more useful than searching the web for answers - typing takes time, and typing, talking and chewing gum all at the same time may be a bit awkward.
I wouldn't rely on the web (google or otherwise) during an interview. Couple of reasons for this:
-Do you think that you'll be able to get the information you need in time to respond or discuss a question? I doubt it.
-The interview is most likely testing your problem solving skills. This isn't typically something that can be found quickly on a web site.

My advice: be confident and honest. If you don't know the answer, tell them that you're not sure but you'd check _____ and _____ to find them out. Nobody is going to have all the answers and most sane managers won't expect you to know them. Instead, they want somebody that knows how to get the answers.

Also something that many people overlook in an interview is its real purpose. Yeah, most people think that an interview is an opportunity for a potential employer to screen candidates for a position. This is right, but it's only half of it. It's also your opportunity to find out if it really is a good fit for you. If the interviewer wants you to know everything... Well, maybe it's not the right place for you even if you are offered the job.

I'll stop my little rant right now before it gets out of control. Good luck!

I asked around the office to people who regularly do interviews, and they said if they heard keyboard clicking during a phone screen interview, they would assume the person had more important things to do (IM-ing their buddies, surfing, replying to email) than interviewing for the job, and the candidate would then automatically get a "no" vote from them.

Chip H.

If you want to get the best response to a question, please read FAQ222-2244 first
spamly said:
Do you think that you'll be able to get the information you need in time to respond or discuss a question? I doubt it.
I agree with this. Even though I can usually find what I'm looking for on the internet relatively quickly, I'd definitely not be fast enough for answering a question during an interview. That, chiph's comment, the cost of a quiet keyboard, and the ethical concerns are more than enough to keep me from using my computer during this (or any) phone interview.
When IS the interview? Make sure to tell us how it went! You'll soon be the poster with the most recent experience in the area. I hope you'll share it. I might be in the position of "interviewee" soon!

Don't worry, I'll be sure to share my experience as soon as I can. :) The interview is tomorrow evening.

Oops on my last post. I really DO know how to preview my posts and use the quote tag. [blush]


Thanks for that great link. I am in the job market now and know that I need to hone my interview skills. That site will definitely help.


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