While working with Announcements and you use the "More Actions" and choose backup all.
Waiting a few minutes i can go back to the more actions and select download.
of the 20 or so announcements if will only backup 9 or so of the .wav files. ignoring the rest. and it seems random on which ones it backs up.
has anyone else experienced this? I find that SMGR has some nice features if and when they work. this being one of them. I have multiple CM's that are mangaged / configured in SMGR.
P.S. I have tried just selecting one of the ones it fails to load and backup up just that one. ( using both properties and just the .wav file. ) each time it fails to pull over the .wav file.
Very strange.
I have looked at the announcement configurations and I don't see anything in common regarding the ones that fail.
Waiting a few minutes i can go back to the more actions and select download.
of the 20 or so announcements if will only backup 9 or so of the .wav files. ignoring the rest. and it seems random on which ones it backs up.
has anyone else experienced this? I find that SMGR has some nice features if and when they work. this being one of them. I have multiple CM's that are mangaged / configured in SMGR.
P.S. I have tried just selecting one of the ones it fails to load and backup up just that one. ( using both properties and just the .wav file. ) each time it fails to pull over the .wav file.
Very strange.