How can I specify an outbound CallerID for each hand set? The business has a wide range of DIDs on the PRI and I need to assign 5 of out the 30 phones with a different numbers.
So how do I assign an extension to an outgoing CPN?
Ok. so in form 54 all of the ext are blank so i am going to assume that nothing is being altered and that they are going out based on main DID that verizon is providing me so i think i get that and that's where i can change the outgoing portion of it. But what is *4*6$ in form 22...i will attach what we currently have. i appreciate all the help.
i am a newbie to the sx-200 and i will be porting DIDs from one carrier to another and setting up 5 new IP phones and those new IP phones will need a different outgoing number.
Stop or start displaying modified digits. Modified digits are displayed on the sets and in the SMDR records (SMDR must be enabled in CDE Form 16, Trunk Groups). The first time *4 appears in a digit string, the system stops displaying the following modified digits. The next time *4 appears the system starts displaying the following modified digits. You can repeat *4 in a digit string to stop or start the displaying of digits.
Insert caller’s ID (for analog networking), not just analog networking though
if you look in form 26 and assuming you dial 9 to get out and go to the nested for digit strings, look under a local call and what route it would going out, let say route 1, then go to form 23 and look at route 1 and what is in the Mod digit entry and see what that is and that is where you would look in form 22 as to what is deleted and inserted
ok. that makes sense to me, I am very familiar with the 3300, so it's starting to make sense. so my last question I hope...
where do i go to look @ all of valid ext that are assigned to an active on the network phone. I went to desktop devices assign and i only see 2 extension and they are assigned to 5340s. I know that they have 1 total of 15 phone but only see i not looking in the right place.
I would have said go to form 9 to see which phones are programmed, that is where all phones are programmed. If you go to form 35 it will display all numbers programmed in the switch, extension, feature access codes etc.
How do you know there are 15 phones programmed or are they connected and not programmed yet?
it's funny how much you learn from asking questions and those other 15 phones are 4015s and 4025's which of course are not IP phones but supersets.
so when i navigated to desktop devices assign I only see 2 extension and they are assigned to 5340s ext 280 & 290...but when I went to form 54, ext 280 & 290 are listed as superset not stations. yes, I just sent the manager of the Hotel to send me all of his valid ext...standby
the 4015 and 4025 if programmed will show up in form 9 if you scroll down far enough. In form 9 it will show you exactly what type of phone is programmed.
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