I am system adminitrator attemtping to set up & enable call forwarding to an external mobile phone for the first time from a DT400 handset. Call forwarding works internally to other extentions, but when a user attempts to set it up to an external number and we test it on another handset it says "security sensor reset" on the display. I must be missing a setting in WebPro, I've already checked the following:
14-01-13 (Trunk to Trunk Transfer) - enabled
20-11-12 (Call Forward Off-premise) - enabled
20-07-05 (Automatic Trunk to Trunk Transfer) -enabled
Any ideas?
- Bill
I am system adminitrator attemtping to set up & enable call forwarding to an external mobile phone for the first time from a DT400 handset. Call forwarding works internally to other extentions, but when a user attempts to set it up to an external number and we test it on another handset it says "security sensor reset" on the display. I must be missing a setting in WebPro, I've already checked the following:
14-01-13 (Trunk to Trunk Transfer) - enabled
20-11-12 (Call Forward Off-premise) - enabled
20-07-05 (Automatic Trunk to Trunk Transfer) -enabled
Any ideas?
- Bill