Are their any prorgams that help study just subnetting. What I would like is a program that gives you something like this
using network address
and subnet mask (I don't know if this is valid with this IP address or not I Just pulled of the top of my head)
Give the first usable subnet
give the last usable subnet
or gives a subnet and mask and a list of address and you must identify which are valid. In other words very simialiar to the CCNA.
I'm hoping for freeware or shareware but will by one if I have too.
I'm sitting at the end of the month and I want to make sure I pass
using network address
and subnet mask (I don't know if this is valid with this IP address or not I Just pulled of the top of my head)
Give the first usable subnet
give the last usable subnet
or gives a subnet and mask and a list of address and you must identify which are valid. In other words very simialiar to the CCNA.
I'm hoping for freeware or shareware but will by one if I have too.
I'm sitting at the end of the month and I want to make sure I pass