Technical User
I have a form with a subform (each bound to separate tables)
I use a unbound combobox to select the company which then populates the continuous subform with all the complaints of that company (parent/child link).
The problem is when I put a QA_Action# in the field in the subform and then move focus back to the main form, it committs that change and no longer shows the record. WHY? I really need the record in the subform to remain visible until the user can enter some more info on the main form that correlates with the QA_Action#.
Please help. . . my deadline is nearing!!!!!!
I use a unbound combobox to select the company which then populates the continuous subform with all the complaints of that company (parent/child link).
The problem is when I put a QA_Action# in the field in the subform and then move focus back to the main form, it committs that change and no longer shows the record. WHY? I really need the record in the subform to remain visible until the user can enter some more info on the main form that correlates with the QA_Action#.
Please help. . . my deadline is nearing!!!!!!