yesterday I was using the cpu normally when it started beeping while I was in outlook. So I restarted. the first thing it did was display a boot menu. I have a picture if needed. I chose to book from HDD1. Then it booted normally except once it got to the sign on screen it let out a continous beep and the start icon to log in was flashing. I had to click the screen and type a key from the keyboard to get it to stop flashing and let me log in. So then all worked fine.
So today it did the same thing, except I notice that when I go to type, the program will stop letting me type or it automatically erases what i typed. It flashes the do you want to save? yes, no or cancel.
i am running Win XP. The hard drive is less than a yr old. I have run the virus scan and nothing.
I typed this in an outlook message because it was taking like 10 min to type it in this box as it kept erasing and making me start over.
any thoughts on this would be great!
So today it did the same thing, except I notice that when I go to type, the program will stop letting me type or it automatically erases what i typed. It flashes the do you want to save? yes, no or cancel.
i am running Win XP. The hard drive is less than a yr old. I have run the virus scan and nothing.
I typed this in an outlook message because it was taking like 10 min to type it in this box as it kept erasing and making me start over.
any thoughts on this would be great!