I have a form: frmMain and a subform fsubDevExac. There are three unbound combo boxes cboIssue, cboSubIssue and cboSubCategory on the main form that serve as lookup boxes on frmMain.
Their information comes from tblIssues, tblSubIssues, and tblSubCategories. There is code behind each of these boxes that filters the following one based on the previous selection.
The subform's record source is a query which includes tblCases, tblIssues, tblSubIssues and tblSubCategory. The tblCases has a primary key of txtCaseID. The other tables have a primary key of txtIssueID, txtSubIssueID and txtSubCategoryID respectively. Each of these keys are foreign keys in tblCases.
I have linked the subform using the Link Master/Child fields dialouge box. I have linked the forms by their IssueID, SubIssueID and SubCategoryID. When I make selections from the combo box, the subform is pulling cases that are not related to the selected issue, sub issue and sub category. Also, the subform is not refreshing the data after selections are made.
For example, there are in total 97 cases in the tblCases table. All of which have assigned Issue, SubIssue and SubCategory ID's. Though when I make selections using my lookup boxes, the same thirteen cases are returned everytime.
Please help, I truly need it....
Thanks in advance, Sahaitu....
Their information comes from tblIssues, tblSubIssues, and tblSubCategories. There is code behind each of these boxes that filters the following one based on the previous selection.
The subform's record source is a query which includes tblCases, tblIssues, tblSubIssues and tblSubCategory. The tblCases has a primary key of txtCaseID. The other tables have a primary key of txtIssueID, txtSubIssueID and txtSubCategoryID respectively. Each of these keys are foreign keys in tblCases.
I have linked the subform using the Link Master/Child fields dialouge box. I have linked the forms by their IssueID, SubIssueID and SubCategoryID. When I make selections from the combo box, the subform is pulling cases that are not related to the selected issue, sub issue and sub category. Also, the subform is not refreshing the data after selections are made.
For example, there are in total 97 cases in the tblCases table. All of which have assigned Issue, SubIssue and SubCategory ID's. Though when I make selections using my lookup boxes, the same thirteen cases are returned everytime.
Please help, I truly need it....
Thanks in advance, Sahaitu....