why do i have an error from the stdlib.h file? The error goes like this.....
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(500): E2316 '_argc' is not a member of 'std'.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(500): E2272 Identifier expected.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(501): E2316 '_argv' is not a member of 'std'.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(501): E2272 Identifier expected.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(503): E2316 '__doserrno' is not a member of 'std'.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(503): E2272 Identifier expected.
and the list goes on and on............all errors from the stdlib.h
pls help....
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(500): E2316 '_argc' is not a member of 'std'.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(500): E2272 Identifier expected.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(501): E2316 '_argv' is not a member of 'std'.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(501): E2272 Identifier expected.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(503): E2316 '__doserrno' is not a member of 'std'.
[C++ Error] stdlib.h(503): E2272 Identifier expected.
and the list goes on and on............all errors from the stdlib.h
pls help....