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logic problem with While loop and method in it

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Technical User
Jun 11, 2009
Dear All,
Thanks for a great forum [smile]

I have the following problem at understanding some logic, it seems simple from just looking at the while loop, but the IsCardAlreadyDealt method is throwing a spanner in the
while (this.IsCardAlreadyDealt(suit, value))
value = (Value)randomCardSelector.Next(CardsPerSuit);​

Please see my class below.
Basically I want to know why the while (above) creates a random value, based on the IsCardAlreadDealt method.
As far as I understand it the IsCardAlreadDealt method returns !result
so if the card does exist (given by the exists method a bool which if exists will be true
the ! would convert that to a false, therefore card not dealt??
so if it does exist the IsAlreadyDealtMethod returns a false and then the while does not execute...
but if it does not exist returns true and while executes why??
I thought the while was there to generate a new random card if the card did exist in the pack...

Any help would be greatly appreciated [bigsmile]
Thank you [wavey3][pc2]

and the while would not execute and .'. not generate a random card...and .'. no you'd have the card already dealt and not a new one.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Cards
class Pack
public const int NumSuits = 4;
public const int CardsPerSuit = 13;
// creating a Dictionary set of Suits and PlayingCards
// in the form of a enum Suit as the Key and a List of PlayingCard as value
// value is the list of cards in that suit

private Dictionary<Suit,List<PlayingCard>> cardPack;
private Random randomCardSelector = new Random();

// constructor
public Pack()
// so if you use the Suit key you will get the List of cards associated with it
// the cardPack will have 4 suits in it and a list of cards for each suit

this.cardPack = new Dictionary<Suit, List<PlayingCard>>(NumSuits);

// for loop: sets the suit variable to the lowest value (enums can determine which is the lowest in the List
// while suit <= Suit.Spades (highest value) the suit variable will go up 1 each time the loop is iterated
// enums can also be incremented with an int
// once the inner loop has iterated 13 times, for the Suit.Clubs the loop
// will move to the next suit Suit.Diamonds etc.

for (Suit suit = Suit.Clubs; suit <= Suit.Spades; suit++)
// declares a new list of PlayingCard, and there are 13 playing cards
// list (cardsInSuit) now has methods (add,remove etc)

List<PlayingCard> cardsInSuit = new List<PlayingCard>(CardsPerSuit);

// for loop: Value value enum is assigned Value.Two (lowest value)
// while value <= Value.Ace (highest) value increments as per enum explaination above
// this loop will iterate through all card values for the suit it the above for loop
// .'. two till ace for suit of clubs and so on

for (Value value = Value.Two; value <= Value.Ace; value++)
// to add a new PlayingCard object new keyword needed
// the PlayingCard class has a constructor that takes a
// suit and value parameters
// which at first iteration will be clubs and two
// this will then eventually fill the cardsInSuit List with 13 PlayingCard
// with suit and value for each

cardsInSuit.Add(new PlayingCard(suit, value));
// this adds the key of Suit.Clubs in the first iteration as well as the cardsInSuit List which has
// a list of PlayingCard with their suit (clubs 1st iteration) and value (two till ace)

this.cardPack.Add(suit, cardsInSuit);


public PlayingCard DealCardFromPack()
// adds a random value to a suit using a cast for randomCardSelector which is of type Random
// this cycles through the suit types randomly using NumSuits(4) to specify the maximum random number

Suit suit = (Suit)randomCardSelector.Next(NumSuits);

// while the suit is empty checks if the card has been dealt
// if it has it returns a false which means it has not used this card and it can be used
// if true then the random card selector is run again to select another random card
// which is checked to see if the card has been dealt (method within IsSuitEmpty)
// if true then exits, because card is random and not been used, if false cycle begins again

while (this.IsSuitEmpty(suit))
suit = (Suit)randomCardSelector.Next(NumSuits);

// adds a random value to a value variable using the random card selector
// restricts the max value to 13 (cardsPerSuit)

Value value = (Value)randomCardSelector.Next(CardsPerSuit);

// checks whether the card is already dealt takes the random suit variable created and the random
// value already created are the parameters for IsCardAlreadyDealt
// the method checks if the suit and card match values that have been dealt
// the IsCardReadyDealt takes the random suit and value
// creates a List<PlayingCard> based on the cardPack[suit] postion
// it then checks if the card exists and returns a true or false this true/false has ! operator applied
// in the IsCardAlreadyDealt method
// so if card exists !true(false) | if does not exist !false(true)
// while true (card dealt) creates random value // while executes until statement false

while (this.IsCardAlreadyDealt(suit, value))
value = (Value)randomCardSelector.Next(CardsPerSuit);
// creates a List of PlayingCard that gets assigned a List from the random suit within the
// Dictionary<suit,List<PlayingCard>> cardPack
// you can use array notation to access this list using the suit as the key (this being the random suit)

List<PlayingCard> cardsInSuit = this.cardPack[suit];
// create a PlayingCard obj card to take the found value of the card
PlayingCard card = cardsInSuit.Find((PlayingCard c) => { return c.CardValue == value; } );
// this card is then removed from cardsInSuit
// this returns the found card (PlayingCard obj)
return card;

private bool IsSuitEmpty(Suit suit)
bool result = true;

// the below if is iterated trough 13 times (all values of cards)
// this checks to see if the suit and suit card value have already been dealt

for (Value value = Value.Two; value <= Value.Ace; value++)
// if IsCardAlreadyDealt returns a false it will make true .'. return a false value
// if IsCardAlreadyDealt returns a true it will make false .'. return a true value
// so if the card does exist (as below) then the IsCardAlready dealt returns true
// .'. if(true) result = false, or card does not exist if(false) result = true

if (!IsCardAlreadyDealt(suit, value))
result = false;

return result;


private bool IsCardAlreadyDealt(Suit suit, Value value)
// creates a List of PlayingCard cardsInSuit at position suit in the cardPack Dictionary obj
// which has a List of PlayingCard according to the key (suit)

List<PlayingCard> cardsInSuit = this.cardPack[suit];

// returns if not exists if PlayingCard c c.CardSuit == suit and c.CardValue == value
// returns that the card does not exist
// lambada expression returns a true false value based on suit and value
// if suit and value match that PlayingCard c then returns true if not false
// the ! creates the oposite of the true/false so if true the card exists then it returns false else true
// so if card does exist returns false if does not exist returns true

return (!cardsInSuit.Exists((PlayingCard c) => {return c.CardSuit == suit && c.CardValue == value; }));

Thank you,

Kind regards

Is it:
while(card does not exist)
create random value
Thanks [smile]

Thank you,

Kind regards

Is the while then meant only to check if there is no card and if there is create a new random one?
.'. not looking to create a random value if the card has already been dealt?
Thanks [smile]

Thank you,

Kind regards

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