I've been using Windows Vista for a year or so, and the fonts are driving me nuts.
I find that all of the installed fonts look absolutely crap, even the basic stuff such as Arial or Verdana. The edges are very rough and jagged, and the letters are just too black and too heavy, even in regular, non-bold mode.
When I use something like Sylfaen, the characters are actually displayed with different heights and thickness. The larger the font size, the worse it looks.
What drives me nuts the most is the spacing problem. Some characters are all bunched up together, while others have a huge gap between them.
When I download and install other fonts, what I see on the screen in no way matches the sample on the web page. And I'm not talking any old crap free stuff here. I tried to install a really good quality font called Gentium, and it was appalling.
I have another laptop at home still running on XP, and the difference is very obvious. I use Bitstream Vera Sans on XP, but it's absolutely awful on Vista. How can the same font look so nice on one platform but so bad on another?
I have checked all of the basic Display Settings, and can't find anything wrong. I have tried Aero, Standard and Classic views. I have tried ClearType and Standard font smoothing. I have removed font smoothing completely. I have changed my screen resolution. Nothing helps.
Anybody have any suggestions on where I might be going wrong?
I find that all of the installed fonts look absolutely crap, even the basic stuff such as Arial or Verdana. The edges are very rough and jagged, and the letters are just too black and too heavy, even in regular, non-bold mode.
When I use something like Sylfaen, the characters are actually displayed with different heights and thickness. The larger the font size, the worse it looks.
What drives me nuts the most is the spacing problem. Some characters are all bunched up together, while others have a huge gap between them.
When I download and install other fonts, what I see on the screen in no way matches the sample on the web page. And I'm not talking any old crap free stuff here. I tried to install a really good quality font called Gentium, and it was appalling.
I have another laptop at home still running on XP, and the difference is very obvious. I use Bitstream Vera Sans on XP, but it's absolutely awful on Vista. How can the same font look so nice on one platform but so bad on another?
I have checked all of the basic Display Settings, and can't find anything wrong. I have tried Aero, Standard and Classic views. I have tried ClearType and Standard font smoothing. I have removed font smoothing completely. I have changed my screen resolution. Nothing helps.
Anybody have any suggestions on where I might be going wrong?