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SQL INSERT INTO, using multiple databases

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Technical User
Aug 15, 2002

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I would think so...

I am trying to run an INSERT INTO statement to pull data from the database on our server and insert it into a local Access table on my machine. I can't use a pass through query because the uid/pwd changes for each query and once Access makes a connection using a pt query you can't close it without closing the application.

Here's a bit of my code:
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblTest SELECT shpnam FROM shipShipmentMaster WHERE shipno LIKE 'K9992222001'"
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open strConnect
objConn.Execute (strSQL)
But of course this looks for tblTest (my local table) on the server and cannot find it.
Any suggestions???

If I am not mistaken, the INSERT SQL statement is used to insert a brand spankin' new row into the table. The form of INSERT is...
INSERT INTO tablename [(columnList)] VALUES (dataList)
What are you attempting to do?

you can link tables in your server database to Access and use them as if they are your local tables. Can't you?
Correct. Only I need to insert a batch of about 50,000 records all at once. And this SQL statement works fine if I link the shipShipmentMaster table into Access rather than establishing the connection via ADO. But for the reason stated above, I can't do it this way.

..(i did forget the field name above....should be INSERT INTO tblTest(Reg)....)
I run into the same problem as with the pass-through query. Once I establish a connection uid/pwd, I can't change it. It will look like it's changed, but will only pull data from the original connection.
Linking the tables would be ideal - if you know a way around this problem.
How about two seperate strSQLs. One for just getting the data. The other for inserting to the local table. Current strSQL is trying to do both in one shot, which I could see the problem.
Yeah, I thought about that. But as I'm a bit of a novice to ADO, I haven't been able to figure it out yet. Could you perhaps get me started on the code? Do I throw the data into a recordset? Then what? I need to pull about 15 fields, and about 50,000 records.
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