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multiple err handling

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Technical User
Jul 27, 2006
Hi All;

I am running into a situation where I get a runtime 53 error that I am not able to handle correctly. The error occurs on the second occurrence of an error in the DO UNTIL loop when processing the ted.txt to TED FIVE.txt file name conversion. I expect the error to occur, but it should jump to the Skip_record: section of code.

I think it is occurring because it isn't clearing the first error and resetting the error handling process on the second loop.

I've tried to add / remove the following which didn't resolve it.

I've tried:

On Error GoTo -1
On error GoTo 0

Macro Name = change_file_names ()

The macro general order of operation:

worksheet Menu

- User selects the root folder pathway where files to be renamed are located
- Select if sub folders should be check if the file is not found in the root folder
- Click on the File Name List icon to go to the File Names worksheet

worksheet File Names

- Enter the list of original file names into the Original Names column
- Enter the corresponding new file names into the Corrected Names column
- Go to the Menu worksheet and click the RUN FILE NAME CHANGE button (button calls Sub change_file_names macro)

Code where error 53 occurs

    ' Changes the file name from the origional to the new // corrected name

    Name pathway & origional_name_value As pathway & corrected_name_value

Full Code:

Sub change_file_names()

'root folder pathway

pathway = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menu").folder_pathway_field.Value & "\"

'Index file_name_table

origional_name_index = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").ListColumns("Original Name").Index
corrected_name_index = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").ListColumns("Corrected Name").Index
change_status_index = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").ListColumns("Change Status").Index

'clears the change status column values

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").ListColumns(change_status_index).DataBodyRange.ClearContents

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").ListColumns(change_status_index).DataBodyRange.Value = "Not Changed"

'Count the total number of records in the file_name_table

file_name_total_count = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").Range("file_name_table").ListObject.ListRows.Count

current_record_row = 1
err_count = 0


Do Until current_record_row = file_name_total_count + 1

    'record values
    origional_name_value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").DataBodyRange(current_record_row, origional_name_index).Value
    corrected_name_value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").DataBodyRange(current_record_row, corrected_name_index).Value
'-------------------------- change file name from origional_name_value to corrected_name_value

On Error GoTo check_sub_folder

    ' Changes the file name from the origional to the new // corrected name

    Name pathway & origional_name_value As pathway & corrected_name_value

    'record file name change satus
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").DataBodyRange(current_record_row, change_status_index).Value = "Changed"
    GoTo next_record


    On Error GoTo -1

    On Error GoTo Skip_record
    If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menu").sub_file_name_verification_check_box.Value = True Then

    'first two characters of origional file name to use for sub-folder find.  Sets to Upper Case for folder name lookup
    first_two_characters = UCase(Left(origional_name_value, 2))

    sub_folder_path = pathway & "\" & first_two_characters & "\"

    Name sub_folder_path & origional_name_value As sub_folder_path & corrected_name_value
    'record file name change satus
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").DataBodyRange(current_record_row, change_status_index).Value = "Changed"
    GoTo next_record

    err_count = err_count + 1
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").DataBodyRange(current_record_row, change_status_index).Value = "Error"

End If

    'Sets current_record_row to the next row

    current_record_row = current_record_row + 1


GoTo end_macro

        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("File Names").ListObjects("file_name_table").DataBodyRange(current_record_row, change_status_index).Value = "Error"
        If MsgBox("Error on record: " & current_record_row & " - " & origional_name_value & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Do you want to go to the next record?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "ERROR: FILE NAME CHANGE") = vbYes Then
        GoTo start_change
        End If


End Sub

Here is the zip file with the test files and folders.


Thanks for the help!

I get a runtime 53 error" - is it File not found (Error 53)?
If so, you are trying to rename the file that does not exist (any more?). Maybe you already renamed that file?
I would check:
Debug.Print "Org file: " & pathway & origional_name_value
Debug.Print "New file: " & pathway & corrected_name_value
Name pathway & origional_name_value As pathway & corrected_name_value

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
It seems that you have not cleared previous error handling:

[pre]On Error GoTo -1 ' add to reset error and set new On Error
On Error GoTo check_sub_folder[/pre]

An article about error handling here.

Without going too deep into your code, I would have a simple structure of my error handling.
Something like this:

Option Explicit[green]
Sub change_file_names()[blue]
On Error GoTo MyErrHandlr[/blue]
[green]'root folder pathway[/green]
pathway = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Menu").folder_pathway_field.Value & "\"[green]
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
    Case 53   [green]'File not found
        'Handle this error and keep going[/green]
        Resume Next
    Case 52   [green]'Bad file name
        'Fix bad file name and[/green]
        Resume   [green]'try again[/green]
    Case Else[green]
        'Deal with all other errors here[/green]
End Select

End Sub

But, that's me... :)

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
[tt]On Error GoTo -1[/tt] Frankly, don't do this. It has never ended well for me.

[tt]On Error GoTo Skip_record[/tt] - And do not try to put a new error handler into an error handler. Yes, some documentation will certainly suggest that On Error Goto -1 makes this a good idea. Frankly, I disagree. Things will not go the way you expect ...
On Error GoTo -1 doesn't handle the error.

It tries to convince VBA that the error didn't really happen. But it did, so who knows what's going to happen next.

Follow Andy's advice.
It turns out to be that my error clearing script just was in the wrong area in the loop. I moved it and it didn't have any issues afterwards.
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