I am getting an assert memory c ln 1045 on our Spectralink phones. I work at a hospital and so far it seems to only be happening on certain floors were there are more wireless ip phones, unless people on other floors aren't telling the help desk. We have 2211's(polycom i640), 2212's(polycom 8002), and 6140's(polycom 8020) here. I have only seen the error on the 2211's. I switched a few 2211's out with 6140's and told the people to call if they are having trouble with there phones. I havent heard anything yet from them and it has been about a month. I have downloaded the assert memory to the HAT tool and sent it to polycom. Any help would be great ive been searching for the fix for a while now. Also it seems to have happened after the IT Dept uploaded the newest firmware to the 2245 server.